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Oct 6, 2009
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Can a mechanical engr discipline that took hvac PE sign a foundation for a home addition in Florida? i am very construction oriented person, just want to get some inputs / comments.

Can a mechanical engr discipline that took hvac PE sign a foundation for a home addition in Florida? i am very construction oriented person, just want to get some inputs / comments.
Technically, yes.

Are you wanting to do your own house addition and sign the plans?

thank you for the response, not mine, my brothers house. i was told even if i can sign and seal foundation of my house  i cant do it in my own house because my home insurance wont let me 

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thank you for the response, not mine, my brothers house. i was told even if i can sign and seal foundation of my house  i cant do it in my own house because my home insurance wont let me 
I have heard otherwise, it depends on the state. Had a college professor tell us that he stamped his own home addition, in Indiana.

The states listed in this thread require PE to only practice in the discipline they tested in (Louisiana shouldn't be on the list). Every other state allows a PE to stamp anything that the PE determines they have competence in.

I have no idea about insurance implications of you stamping your own home. Conflict of interests?

According to FS 471.025(3) 

"No licensee shall affix or permit to be affixed his or her seal, name, or digital signature to any plan, specification, drawing, final bid document, or other document that depicts work which he or she is not licensed to perform or which is beyond his or her profession or specialty therein."

The bold portion allows for some flexibility.

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