May the Fourth be With You

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It's spelled "Force", dumbath. :p

And I'm going to use this for the first time ---> :vadar:

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that was not directed at you, just the idea that there is an official day for celebrating star wars.

Dammit, Capt. It was a trick question. She was supposed to answer in a fashion that would make her explain grammar and whatnot even though she's on strike.


Dammit, Capt. It was a trick question. She was supposed to answer in a fashion that would make her explain grammar and whatnot even though she's on strike.
But she could explain it while not adhering to the rules of grammar, thus your ruse (a cunning attempt to trick) would have been a failure.

I saved you from getting egg on your face. Think of the embarrassment you would have had to endure!

I assumed that my attempt would not have resulted in failure. I have the right to assume. I'm an engineer.

did this "holiday" develop because the fanboys typically talk with a lisp?

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I assumed that my attempt would not have resulted in failure. I have the right to assume. I'm an engineer.
You would have failed, and failed miserably. It would quickly become internet legend, and songs would be written about the epic fail. You would be held up as an example to all, and not a good one.

Trust me, you're far, far better off. In a galaxy far, far away.
