Lord Vader Meets Mickey Mouse

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Jr. PE / Sr. Company Pilot
May 18, 2007
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Disney just purchased the Star Wars franchise and is planning to have Episode VII in theaters in 2015.


I am actually curious to see where this one leads. I remember reading various articles saying SW was supposed to be 9 episodes, but George Lucas gave up on 7-9 because of the backlash from 1-3 (IMO due to Jar-Jar Binks).

Now this should be an interesting way to close out the series.

Let's see Mickey & Minny re-creating the Death Star!

These are not the dalmatians you're looking for.

When we last met, I was the learner. Now I'm the Mouseketeer.

Christina Aguilerra will graduate from Mouseketeer to Jabba the Hut's offspring...

I'm actually hopeful about this. Disney also owns Marvel and how many awesome movies has Marvel put out? Quite a few. Might be good for Lucas to take the backseat on this for a change. Last time he was told to do that, Empire Strikes Back was made. And that turned out pretty good for everyone. LOL

I thought Lucass was holding out on 7-9

10 SWE = 7

20 make a few more "enhanced" versions of 1 to (SWE-1) to milk them for all they're worth

30 release SWE

40 SWE = SWE + 1

50 if SWE = 10

60 goto 90

70 else

80 goto 20

90 3D dem bitches!!!!!!

Disney has had a pretty terrible track record with sci fi in recent history. Cases in point: John Carter. Mars Needs Moms. Tron.

I fear for the franchise.

From what I've read, it was always supposed to be 9 episodes, the one constant being the droids. Better make it while Daniels and Baker are still around.
There was an article on SW in Dynamite! magazine back in 1977 that listed all nine episodes. Maybe some web sleuthing could dig it up.

My kids read the books and the story goes that Solo & Leia get married, have twins, Luke starts a Jedi Academy, the twins become Jedi, the remnants of the Empire create all sorts of havoc, while at the same time Luke is schmoozing on some other last of the Jedi warrior princess.

Based on what the kids tell me, something like Knights of the Old Republic would be a cooler story. That's the back story to all the Jedi/Sith history. Maybe they could weave that in to new movies.

Disney has had a pretty terrible track record with sci fi in recent history. Cases in point: John Carter. Mars Needs Moms. Tron.

I fear for the franchise.
So you're saying Avengers was terrible? :huh:

My kids read the books and the story goes that Solo & Leia get married, have twins, Luke starts a Jedi Academy, the twins become Jedi, the remnants of the Empire create all sorts of havoc, while at the same time Luke is schmoozing on some other last of the Jedi warrior princess.

Based on what the kids tell me, something like Knights of the Old Republic would be a cooler story. That's the back story to all the Jedi/Sith history. Maybe they could weave that in to new movies.
There is so much more to SW than just the "movie saga" that most are familiar with. There are stories both before and after that time that are pretty kick ass. KOTOR or even the recent multi-player game that was released this year, SWTOR, has some pretty epic HD trailers associated with it that you can see on YouTube.

+200 LOTR
LOL, are there going to be follow-up movies to Return of the King? I think not. Though I am pretty stoked for The Hobbit. ;)

The previews for The Hobbit were on before Frankenweenie. It looked terrible.
