Limits proposed on new power plant emissions

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^^That was precisely the case I was thinking about in the back of my mind when I wrote that.

To this day, I can't believe that ruling.

Great. So we have huge amounts of coal, but can't use it to generate power?
Pretty much - the buying markets for eastern vs low sulfur western have been completely out of control trying to figure out which way economics is going to drive the issue.

I'm wondering how many plants will use the 'maintenance' clause like they have in the past to avoid pollution upgrades. If you can control energy and transportation, you can control the people.
The pollution controls will be mandatory based on the "train wreck" of rules that are coming out and require controls by unit rather than by complexes or even companies like the cap-and-trade markets would have provided.

Triggers for New Source Review (NSR) are a major driver since that would effectively create the condition of a "de novo" or new review that would effectlvely create major overhauls of all the equipment; not just adding equipment on the tail pipe.
