Limits proposed on new power plant emissions

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Capt Worley PE

Run silent, run deep
May 4, 2007
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WASHINGTON — Taking aim at the gases that the vast majority of scientists say are the main contributor to climate change, the Obama administration proposed rules limiting carbon dioxide emissions from new power plants, a move that could essentially bar new coal-fired electric generation facilities.
Great. So we have huge amounts of coal, but can't use it to generate power?

Well... yeah... duh.

Are you saying that it doesn't make perfect sense to you that we strangle ourselves?

It won't just be electricity costs. It's going to affect the price of just about everything purchased in the country.

end of cheap fuel, cheap power = end of happy American way of life.

Aren't you glad the majority voted for change? I wasn't asking for anything to change except my income to increase by 4 - 8% annually.

It's all part of the plan to convert Americans to want to drive electric vehicles because they'll be so cheap...


Power in = power out. No matter where we get the energy to drive our vehicles, it's gotta come from somewhere as we all know. The price of electricity is destined to climb knowing that people will use it for commuting. Look at what happened to the price of corn when they just mentioned ethanol..

Hopefully the nitwit we have as a president will be packing his bags in a few months. What a freaking moron. Hopefully the icing on the cake will be that his "landmark achievment" Obamacare will be struck down by the SCOTUS in October before he is handed an electoral defeat. Don't get me wrong, I don't like Romney, but he can't be any worse than BO.

Get ready for your electricity costs to skyrocket.
Which the sitting POTUS said they necessarily would back in 2009.

Hopefully the nitwit we have as a president will be packing his bags in a few months. What a freaking moron. Hopefully the icing on the cake will be that his "landmark achievment" Obamacare will be struck down by the SCOTUS in October before he is handed an electoral defeat. Don't get me wrong, I don't like Romney, but he can't be any worse than BO.
As long as politicians are elected into office, we'll continue to get the "pound me in the ass" treatment.

I think it is time that I sink a Natural Gas well in my back yard, and engineer an electric generator to be powered off of the natural gas.

I could also create an ethanol plant that eats my neighbors grass clippings that could feed a generator as well.

Whoa, whoa, whoa ...aren't we going to replace all those retired coal units with happy renewable alternative energy sources like wind and solar?

Oh, nevermind

As my Portlandia SIL says, "Well, we just need to find a new way of generating electricity, that's all!"

I'm working on it right now. I can't reveal the details just yet, but here's a hint:


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Wolverine - that seems super efficient. I worked on a similar research project in college and found the best information while at a Grateful Dead show.

Screw you all. I'm building the biggest Coal Plant I can afford, and the EPA can't touch me!

The proposed standard also would not apply to new units in non‐continental areas, which include Hawaii and the territories.
Screw you all. I'm building the biggest Coal Plant I can afford, and the EPA can't touch me!

The proposed standard also would not apply to new units in non‐continental areas, which include Hawaii and the territories.
I've got an idea, why don't we put all of our power plants in China and bring the electricity over on ships. I swear I think that's how 430 of those idiots in Washington think.

I'm wondering how many plants will use the 'maintenance' clause like they have in the past to avoid pollution upgrades.

If you can control energy and transportation, you can control the people.
