my wife is super paranoid about that as well. just do lots and lots of hand washing.. Your probably lucky to have a stay at home old lady when these things come around..
so here is a soccer update!
I talked a guy who seemed over zealous into being the HC and I became the assistant (dude showed up wearing cleats). its going well, since he actually understands the game.. we are 0-2 , we have learned that this soccer league puts friends together so our team is the team of "misfit toys" none of them have ever played together.. getting better .. but hey, its just soccer!
so last Saturday, I get a call from a parent who realized that our game was 30 miles away (south of Denver- we live north of Denver) his basic phone call was " Hey I am super busy today and I don't have 4 hours to spend taking my son to the game so can he ride with you?"
I said yes, probably should have made some excuse like we had already left, it didn't really piss me off until the ride home.. who says that to somebody? sure I would like to do something else for 4 hours on a gorgeous Colorado Saturday also but Jesus Christ.. I guess people are the same all over.. a lady did this to me when I was coaching baseball , I will let you take advantage of me once but if you call the next game day I am going to let your phone go to voice mail..