Is there ANYone out there taking Electrical & Electronics?

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Sep 30, 2010
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I want to know what you're using to study Communications and EM.

I know it's late in the game and of course I've been studying with other materials, but I'd still like to know if anyone has a suggestion for books that do a good job of explaining the basics.


I want to know what you're using to study Communications and EM.
I know it's late in the game and of course I've been studying with other materials, but I'd still like to know if anyone has a suggestion for books that do a good job of explaining the basics.

I can't name a good reference- I think Schauwm's has an outline and there are college texts. It's almost impossible to know what they'll ask in communications. Even my prep class instructor told us that.

Make sure you know your Fourier transforms and Fourier series.

A lot of comm overlaps with control - Briefly reivew or learn simple z-transforms, know filters, etc.; and a little bit of the information and PSD type stuff from your college communications book. Phase lock loops maybe, transmiter and reciever basics.

I'd bring a reference on antennas and maybe a good little reference/dictionary on general communications theory. I had a little pocket-book one, but I can't remember the name. There are alos radio engineer's handbooks if you want to go that overboard.

More than anything, ace the Controls and Electronics (op-amps, transistors, etc.) Those topics are far more predictable. I still couldn't tell you how many I actually got correct of so-called "communications" problems.

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