If you won the lottery...what would you do?

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-Sell house

-Buy bigger house

-Build huge garage/outbuilding

-Build max effort car for Pike's Peak

-Quit job, work as consultant

-Buy into a bunch of racing greyhounds

-Hire personal chef & personal trainer

-Buy a storefront for SO to open photography business

-College fund for the little one

Forgot to add,

take up the hobby of being a car enthusiast, like Jay Leno. Except I don't necessarily want the commonly classic cars, I would want movie cars. Things like the Optimus Prime Kenworth, the 1976 Bumblebee Camaro, the 1992 Jurassic Park Wrangler, the 1969 General Lee Charger. I don't want the originals. I want to find a base car and re-create them myself with my own tweaks & adjustments (like dropping a V-10 Viper engine into the Charger).

Bought a couple tickets on the way home from the airshow Sunday afternoon. My only goal would be to move up to something that burns Jet-A. A Pilatus PC-12 would do the trick. Decent short-field performance and will haul damn near anything you can fit in it.

Don't have the lottery in the same sense up hither, but if I had a ticket and won, I'd definitely pay off the outstanding debts and get outta the mess that's about to get created...

someone was supposed to say...

2 chics at the same time...

I thought those came with the private jet.

> and get outta the mess that's about to get created...

You're getting married? Congratulations!

and get outta the mess that's about to get created...

You're getting married? Congratulations!

+1! That or you're buying a house or starting a midlife crisis?

Not getting married, but looking at relocating for a new job in the next month and the house I'm currently in has about a 5% chance in getting sold to cover the mortgage...

I think, if I won, I'd stay in the same house, but buy a lot to hold all the bicycles I would buy. Oh! And I'd hire whoever it is that makes celebrities skinny.

^ i think a lot of that is they spend hrs in the gym every day. when you have to actually work for a living finding that much time for working out is hard.

The first thing I am going to do is to add this to my e-mail signature:

"The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge. ..."

I am going to keep working just to have fun with all the a$$holes I have dealt here, specially the morons that think they are entitled to insult you because they are costumers. Then, whenever I think it has been enough fun, will resign.

Heck...I like that quote so much that will make the change right away!!!

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^At my old company, we used to joke that we wouldn't resign if we won the lottery. We would just stop showing up and see how long it took them to quit sending us paychecks.

I am going to keep working just to have fun with all the a$$holes I have dealt here, specially the morons that think they are entitled to insult you because they are costumers. Then, whenever I think it has been enough fun, will resign.

Why not just get fired and draw unemployment for 99 months?

^At my old company, we used to joke that we wouldn't resign if we won the lottery. We would just stop showing up and see how long it took them to quit sending us paychecks.

When I was at the DoD, the joke was, "My last day will be memorable."

I am going to keep working just to have fun with all the a$$holes I have dealt here, specially the morons that think they are entitled to insult you because they are costumers. Then, whenever I think it has been enough fun, will resign.

Why not just get fired and draw unemployment for 99 months?


I know, PRIDE is a bitch!!!!

Well, I can say that I don't hold the winning lottery ticket here in MN.

The sad thing is that I'm just too busy at work & at home to find time to go and get one. :(

^I was going to ask if that was you that had the winning ticket. Looks like we didn't win either. Maybe we got the powerball...
