If you see marked lines on your kids arms

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Road Guy

Well-known member
Apr 24, 2006
Reaction score

In case your kids are trying to give you a sign...,

He tends to just draw on the walls. if I see green I'll immediately go get some bacon


When you are depressed, the last thing in the world you want to do is admit it. And when you do, more often than not, you're greeted with platitudes.

  • "Chin up! It'll get better!"
  • "Hey man, at least you're not..." (insert anything you want here, because they stopped listening the second you said "at least")
  • "Want a soda?"
  • "Tomorrow's another day. It'll all work out."
All you want to hear is "I understand. What can I do to help?" And the answer to that question: LISTEN.
That guy's article was a piece of work. In an era where people are keeping mental illness hidden and not seeking help because of stigma, he's saying, "Hey, this is dumb." I like it, because it is at least giving people a chance to say, "I acknowledge that depression is shit. You're safe with me."

I agree with you csb. Everyone needs an outlet and a way to communicate. When some like Robin Williams can take his own life, I realize how hidden depression can be.

I have a family history of depression. It's makes me very worried about my daughter.

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The only reason I found out about this is my daughter had the eating disorder and the anxiety color on her wrist and I asked her what was up with that

^ so it works. It allowed you to start the conversation.

I don't want my kids to grow up...

Being a pre-teen or teenager is not easy and at least this is a way to shed some light on what problems they are having.

I feel the same way ble. I wish my daughter didn't have to learn that the world sucks.

The teen years can defin. Fuck your kids up! It lends itself to be a time when you don't want to talk to your kids but you really have to.(as I am learning)

so you're saying that the "head in the sand" parenting strategy doesn't work?

Damn. I might need to paint myself the anxious color.

it sucks cause they all (3) come home and go to their rooms and try and be distant. I recommend as much time on the chair lift as possible....

At night, when we read LOTR, is when my kid will finally open up about his day if something was bothering him. There's something about being able to talk without making eye contact that can be magical for a kid to talk.

You guys are making me sad. My daughter's only 7 and doesn't like to talk to me.

^total joke right there. I am NOT sleeping on the couch, that shit only happens in NJ.

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