I hope the Taliban that did this gets killed soon....

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Words fail to describe how terrible that must have been. That said, I doubt the Taliban part of the story.
Yes, the Taliban denies involvement.
Said a Taliban spokesman: "This is enemy propaganda.

We don't ask little boys to step on landmines.

We just hang them."


See, you have to look at it from their (admittedly twisted) point of view. The boys they hanged were enemies - they were providing aid to Americans. That made them what would be to them valid targets. The boy that stepped on a landmine, on the other hand, we're told was just being used as a lab rat. This makes no sense for them to do; it causes a wave of civilian resentment, it's extremely against Islam - even the Islam they claim to believe in, wherein enemy civilians are valid targets - and it's a waste of resources (if you're going to test the IED, do it with a prisoner, animal or empty useless vehicle).

See, you have to look at it from their (admittedly twisted) point of view. The boys they hanged were enemies - they were providing aid to Americans. That made them what would be to them valid targets. The boy that stepped on a landmine, on the other hand, we're told was just being used as a lab rat. This makes no sense for them to do; it causes a wave of civilian resentment, it's extremely against Islam - even the Islam they claim to believe in, wherein enemy civilians are valid targets - and it's a waste of resources (if you're going to test the IED, do it with a prisoner, animal or empty useless vehicle).
If you think the Taliban or other insurgents act in ways that make sense, I've got a bridge to sell you.

the boys they hanged were enemies - they were providing aid to Americans. That made them what would be to them valid targets.
Did you read the last article referenced? The first sentence says it all: "An 8 year-old boy was hanged by militants in Afghanistan's Helmand province after the boy's father -- a police officer in the southern city of Gereshk -- refused to comply with militants' demands to provide them with a police vehicle, officials said."

How does the child, who was kidnapped and held as ransom, become a valid target for providing aid to Americans?

Imagine the guilt the father has to live with... choosing his country over his child!

the boys they hanged were enemies - they were providing aid to Americans. That made them what would be to them valid targets.
Did you read the last article referenced? The first sentence says it all: "An 8 year-old boy was hanged by militants in Afghanistan's Helmand province after the boy's father -- a police officer in the southern city of Gereshk -- refused to comply with militants' demands to provide them with a police vehicle, officials said."

How does the child, who was kidnapped and held as ransom, become a valid target for providing aid to Americans?

Imagine the guilt the father has to live with... choosing his country over his child!
OK. Yeah, I'd read the first story and assumed the two links were about the same incident. Whoops.

If you think the Taliban or other insurgents act in ways that make sense, I've got a bridge to sell you.
I didn't say they act in ways that make sense to sane people. But they do, on the whole, act in ways that are consistent with their own twisted sense of morals. I'm sure that the logic of killing the 8 year old was something like "we're trying to get the car for the sake of our nation, and if we back down from killing the boy for the father's failure than the next person we do this to won't give us access". Which is, again, a terribly twisted and sick way of looking at the world - but something that is very much logical from a certain point of view.

They're extremists, and worse yet extremists that believe that they've been wronged. This is what extremists do. If you have been wronged, believe that God is on your side, that you can do no Evil, and that God wants your enemy dead... it unleashes you from all boundaries and respect for society.

This isn't reserved for any religious or racial group; Look at the Crusades; look at the Inquisition; look at the Salem Witch trials; look at the Russian purges of the early 20th century; look at the McCarthy communist hunts; look at Ireland; look at the genocidal atrocities in Africa and Eastern Europe; look at the KKK, Westboro Baptist and Minuteman American Defense groups for modern American equivalents. And yes, I know that the WBC doesn't actually commit acts of violence, but they do strongly encourage them and provide emotional/spiritual abuse.

Edit: Changed the word "fundamentalist" to "Extremist". It's true that most extremists are fundamentalists, but not absolute - and not all fundamentalists are extremists.

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Zealotry is a dangerous thing.

I'd rather have a thousand people that disagree with me politely and cogently than one that agrees but is frothing at the mouth and talking about how he/she's been wronged and will take it out on those that wronged him/her.

Unfortunately, I tend to get a thousand people that disagree with me while ranting about how I'm an abomination and this that and the other thing.

(Not here, though. EB's good people, even if I disagree with a lot of you.)

Another word to improve my vocabulary. Had to google it but now I am one word smarter that I was yesterday. Thanks Capt
No problem, DK.

If you are interested in that sort of thing, you ought to do what an old ex coworker of mine and I used to do: Word of the Day. We had dictionaries and started with the letter A and worked ou way through the alphabet. Every day we'd come in and have a friendly competition as to who could come up with the word of the day for that letter. Usually the word chosen reflected what was going on in the office at the time. One day when the letter was V, a program manager was giving us fits. The word of the day that day was 'virago.'

No problem, DK.If you are interested in that sort of thing, you ought to do what an old ex coworker of mine and I used to do: Word of the Day. We had dictionaries and started with the letter A and worked ou way through the alphabet. Every day we'd come in and have a friendly competition as to who could come up with the word of the day for that letter. Usually the word chosen reflected what was going on in the office at the time. One day when the letter was V, a program manager was giving us fits. The word of the day that day was 'virago.'
Virago...Daaaaaaarrrrrnnnn....Wish I knew this 6 months ago. Would have been a heck of an insult to someone I dislike.
