I got drunk dialed last night ...

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I have been drunk dialed before ... but this put a whole new spin on it. This perspective date was at a convention being held at the Magic Kingdom. It was definitely good for a laugh hearing the drunken slur with the sounds of the night time parade in the background ...

I don't have a name yet for this new prospective lady ... still working on it. :dunno:


ha ha, that's great!

I had an ex drunk dial me once, I missed the call but she ended up leaving a ridiculously long voice mail. My current gf was not at all happy about it but I thought it was hilarious. I called this girl back and she had no recollection of calling me.

I have been drunk dialed before ... but this put a whole new spin on it. This perspective date was at a convention being held at the Magic Kingdom. It was definitely good for a laugh hearing the drunken slur with the sounds of the night time parade in the background ...
Was it Orlando's finest engineer?

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Call her back and ask her how the tattoo looks, and if she got her copy of the marriage license.

Drunk Dialer.
Drunk Dial Girl? It doesn't really have a good ring to it (no pun intended) ...

Let's call her Minnie.
Hmmm .. I had thought about it. She did say something about buying mouse ears.

Was it Orlando's finest engineer?
Good grief!! NOOOOOOO !!!

Call her back and ask her how the tattoo looks, and if she got her copy of the marriage license.
Okay .. I can see you are :asthanos:

:Locolaugh: :Locolaugh: :Locolaugh:


Is she "Goofy?"

Grumpy, Sleepy, Dopey, Drunky, Horny?

Just don't be too offended if she asks to ride your "small world" ride.


What about "Tipsy" the new dwarf?
Hmmm ... perhaps?

sounding the 'dive' alarm. . . (thread down, thread down)
Does she have a flat head?
Oh .. I figured it would go down pretty fast ... I am surprised it took THIS long ...

Is she "Goofy?"
Grumpy, Sleepy, Dopey, Drunky, Horny?
Okay ... hadn't thought of those ...

Just don't be too offended if she asks to ride your "small world" ride.
Ugh .. you just had to go there ...

I would be just as pleased if she invited me to the Magic Kingdom .. or perhaps the Enchanted Forest. :D



And to a greater degree .. I have. :) I haven't been out on a date for ... three weeks? I do have coffee scheduled with someone for Sunday but that is just getting out to chat - not dating.

Apparently, it seems that I am STILL pretty dense when it comes to ladies dropping hints as evidenced by the last part of an e-mail I received from someone last night ..

In general, life is pretty grand these days. It's amazing what a difference having a home again makes. And there's this cute engineer guy who I hope is gonna ask for my phone number soon. So, we'll see how that goes. That, and trying to calm down the kitten so I can get some sleep!
Don't worry Mary ... it's all good. I am taking things very, very, very slowly now. Not quite as Comcast's DSL turtle slow .. but close. :)


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I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO glad that I'm happily married. I am too far removed from that life.

yes, a 'kitten' in an excited state would certainly make sleep difficult

Oh damn .. I missed that one. :mellow:

I am clearly hopeless ... :brickwall: :brickwall:

