I Get To Be An Engineer Again!!!

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Well-known member
Apr 25, 2006
Reaction score
Cincinnati...just Cincinnati!
I suppose it technically isn’t official yet, just waiting for the paperwork to go through, but it looks like I get to be an actual Engineer again.

A little background:

The company I was at in Cincinnati was big into subdivisions, as in turning down work if it wasn’t a big, high dollar subdivision (idiots). Naturally when the housing market crashed, they were eating a gigantic shit sandwich. They went from almost 70 employees to less than 20…I wasn’t one of the 20. I worked for the Army Corps of Engineers right out of college so I got back in with them. Considering my situation and the fact that it is very hard to come in at a higher pay grade, I took a Civil Engineering Tech position. The sad thing is my pay as a tech is what I was making as an Engineer at my previous job.

Anyway, a couple of the Engineers in our section took jobs/promotions in other offices leaving two empty desks. Before they left my supervisor sent me out to a couple of the job sites to see what kind of work they did and to see if I’d be interested in that kind of thing. He basically told me that the job would be mine if I wanted it and he only opened the position to current employees in our District, but I didn’t want to get too excited until it was official. I got a call this morning from HR telling me that my supervisor had selected me for the position and they just needed me to send a copy of my transcripts so they could complete the paperwork so it looks like I get to be an Engineer again!!!

Another plus is that is should be really interesting work...Project Engineer for repair projects on most of the locks and dams on the Ohio River. Lot's of field work doing repairs on big giant machinery type stuff (see my previous post...A Week in the Hole).

Now the next big fight is going to be in about 3 months when I try to go up a grade. I'm hoping my supervisor can get my 9 months as a tech to count towards my grade increase, but I'm afraid the HR people might say my year doesn't start until I'm actually an Engineer.

congrats jeb, we all deserve a few breaks. It sounds like you have a good boss, and a good situation.

Outstanding, Jeb!

Funny how competitive engineer pay in the federal government is these days....

A tech with the feds makes the same as an engineer in the private sector? Maybe I should get a security clearance after all!

On topic, congrats!

Congratulations, jeb6294!

On a side note, I love your avatar! I have a real soft spot for boxers.

We had two boxers growing up and after getting married my wife bought me one for christmas (jake dog).

We were in the garden one day last year and he struck this pose and i happened to have a camera.
