How much risk? house with Mold...

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I detest the term 'toxic mold' (sorry EG).

No worries, I know that I'm not up on medical type terms of it, most of my dealings have been after the fact when testing is done and the project is already in remediation so I know the technical stuff, but not how to communicate it to a lay person, toxic seemed to be the buzz word everyone else was using. :)

zillow is 50-50..

I asked the realtor to get the mold report but I dont expect it to happen soon.. houses similar to this one without mold in same subdivision are selling for $550K.. I think I would have to get it for at least no more than $300 and have less than $50K of work to do to make it work, but wife doesnt want to mess with but I see a huge opportunity for a some elbow grease

a friend of mine in atlanta did this, he had the mold treated / removed and he lived in the house while he refinished it, bought a house for $60K and sold it for $275 last summer... but he was in a nastry divorce (his fault) and was able to live in a house with literally no floors (like no plywood in places) while he did the work..
