How long does it last in your house?

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$100 spending cash (not for typical purchases, but fun spending)

  • Less than a week

    Votes: 2 5.7%
  • about a week

    Votes: 10 28.6%
  • two weeks

    Votes: 20 57.1%
  • that would be gone in one night at the movies

    Votes: 3 8.6%

  • Total voters
My kids would eat cereal for every meal if we let them, so a gallon of milk only lasts a few days.

We don't even buy chips. Somehow we still end up with a few half-eaten bags that slowly go stale in the back of the pantry until we get ambitious and throw them away.

Don't eat very many eggs, although we have started using them more on the weekends for breakfast.

We have 4 bathrooms in our house (master, one for each of the kids, and one on the main floor), and they are all used regularly. We will go through a 24 pack in a month.

Depending on the weather, a 6-pack of beer can last a day or a month. We only drink when the neighborhood is all gathered together, and it's typically when the weather is good, although we have started meeting inside a bit more (mostly for football).

I buy the 5-dozen pack of eggs and eat about 2 dozen a week.

Since my wife is pregnant she eats cereal 3 times a day so we use about 2 gallons of milk a week. I typically only drink water, coffee, beer or bourbon.

Don't eat chips.

I mainly crap at work so that saves me TP costs.

Used to be an 18 pack of beer every night with maybe a few left overs occasionally. Now I see why I don;t drink anymore. Damn, ruined it for myself!

^Got me beat.

An 18pk would last me two weeks if my friends didn't "borrow" mine. That's why I hide my scotch from them...
