We go through at least that much toilet paper a day between the three of us, and usually some baby wipes to boot.
Milk will usually go bad if we have a full gallon, but we run out if we have a half gallon - usually tied to how quickly we blow through a box of cereal.
Chips will stay there forever unless the GF finds them.
Eggs will usually be used sparingly during the week as ingredients, and then usually omelettes on the weekend.
Booze is usually a week or so, usually rum, usually rum and Cokes, but haven't lately since I've been dieting, and hate the taste of rum and diet anything.
$100 spending cash I'll go through in a week if we count food into the equation. If we're talking going out to the movies, shopping for fun stuff, it's usually hit or miss, and is typically either a large purchase all at once (car parts, etc), or it may be stretched out over a month or so. Don't go out much, usually the $1.69 blu ray rental from Redbox.