How long does it last in your house?

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$100 spending cash (not for typical purchases, but fun spending)

  • Less than a week

    Votes: 2 5.7%
  • about a week

    Votes: 10 28.6%
  • two weeks

    Votes: 20 57.1%
  • that would be gone in one night at the movies

    Votes: 3 8.6%

  • Total voters
Chips have no chance in my house. It is a carry-over from my youth. Competition with my older brothers for snacks is to blame for the quickness with which all things snack disappear in our house.

My wife and I buy two gallons of milk each time and they're gone before I know it. You could say we are some milk whores.

LOL. . .who goes through a roll of toilet paper in a DAY? Holy crap (literally)! I bought a 24 pack of double rolls 16 months ago and still have 3 rolls left.

Eggs, usually by the time I go looking for them they are 3 months past their expiration.

I used to buy milk but got tired of it expiring unopened so now I go with soy milk because it has a much longer shelf life.

Don't usually buy potato chips, but a box of Cheez-its might last a week.

we buy 1/2 gal or quarts of milk here....moer for minisnick than us. But we go through phases.

same with eggs, if we have breakfast at home on a sunday morning the refresh rate goes up.

chips last forever in our house...still have a bag of tostidos from like 3 weeks ago. Minisnick picks fruit over all else, like last night...had subway and got cookies too. When he was done with his sandwich i gave him his cookie, he saw me cutting up an apple and put the cookie down and ate part of the apple with me. He didn't go after the cookie for another 45 mintues.

Got a 4 year old and a 1 year old, we go through 2 gallons of D milk about every week and a half, a gallon of skim can last a week.
whole milk...yucky. We didn't go that route with minisnick mostly because he wouldn't drink it. 2% for me and him. skim for mr snick

LOL. . .who goes through a roll of toilet paper in a DAY? Holy crap (literally)! I bought a 24 pack of double rolls 16 months ago and still have 3 rolls left.
That would be our house! Don't forget, I'm home all day, and usually drink at least a gallon of water every day (or maybe the two pounds of carrots contribute, lol) It could be because I don't buy the fluffy stuff.

I'm also the one who goes thru a dozen eggs in one to two days... 2 eggs for breakfast every day with two people, means at a minimum we use 4 eggs a day. Then of course, between hard boiled eggs for snacks and eggs for cooking, I can't keep them in the house. I used to buy the 2 1/2 dozen crates, but I haven't found them here.

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LOL. . .who goes through a roll of toilet paper in a DAY? Holy crap (literally)! I bought a 24 pack of double rolls 16 months ago and still have 3 rolls left.
Fudgey...I bet he's on Roll #2 by lunchtime.

I go through about a half gallon of milk per week, if you combine moo juice and soy. Chips would last forever. TP is 1+ rolls per week unless I have a serious case of the hot sloppys. Eggs are unpredictable, I'll make them for breakfast once a week, but depending on what I am cooking I may go through them or I may not. I try not to keep alcohol in the house - easier to avoid temptation. $100 would last me about a week.

We go through between 4 and 6 gallons of milk each week. Now that both kids are in daycare full time it is usually closer to the 4 but when they are home it disappears quick. With the chips we don't usually buy them so when we do its usually because they are buy on get one so the first bag goes in a few days then the second bag will sit for the next 2 months.

We go through at least that much toilet paper a day between the three of us, and usually some baby wipes to boot.

Milk will usually go bad if we have a full gallon, but we run out if we have a half gallon - usually tied to how quickly we blow through a box of cereal.

Chips will stay there forever unless the GF finds them.

Eggs will usually be used sparingly during the week as ingredients, and then usually omelettes on the weekend.

Booze is usually a week or so, usually rum, usually rum and Cokes, but haven't lately since I've been dieting, and hate the taste of rum and diet anything.

$100 spending cash I'll go through in a week if we count food into the equation. If we're talking going out to the movies, shopping for fun stuff, it's usually hit or miss, and is typically either a large purchase all at once (car parts, etc), or it may be stretched out over a month or so. Don't go out much, usually the $1.69 blu ray rental from Redbox.

Milk doesn't last long at all in our house. We get 2% for mini-ble1 and mrs. ble and whole milk for mini-ble2. A gallon of each will last about 4 days, so that means we go through almost 4 gallons of milk a week. As for booze, I'm assuming you're talking about the hard stuff. A bottle of that will last us a while because I mostly drink beer.

Is this really EG? If so, where's the question about bacon?

With a family of 5, we go through at least 4 gallons of milk a week. The only chips we buy are for the boys lunchs. No booze and I have no idea on TP. I take care of most of that paperwork at the office.

The Ms. and I go thru a 1/2 gal. of milk, 2 TP's, 1/2 to a dozen eggs, a bag of potato chips... all in a week. The hard stuff tends to last a long time, but mainly gets drank by my moocher friends. I take out $200 for spending money every two weeks, seems to be legit for beer, chew, hookers, lunches... etc.

I still use my debit card... haven't been as strict lately.

Have two boys, 11 and 16, they called me last night while I was on my way home to let me know that the two gallons of milk that I bought Friday were gone, could I get some more? Same goes with the spending money..."Mom, I need $$ to get into the game, for this thing for school, or that thing for school..." $100 goes fast.

The bag of chips goes in their lunches, so about one a week. They get the carrots, too though. They like the wavy carrot "coins" better than the baby carrots.

For the booze, well, I have two boys, 11 and 16...
