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Taking suggestions
Nov 3, 2006
Reaction score
unpadded cell
Would it be rude to ask a neighbor if they ever don't need their housekeeper anymore if they would send them our way?   They originally hired the lady so someone was home when the kids got off the bus afterschool and some light housework.  Their youngest kiddos are middle and highschoolers and the mom hasn't worked in a yr or so (the company downsized and let all the work from home people go).  

Depends on how well you know them.  If you know them pretty well, I don't think it would be rude.  It might be easier to break the ice by asking if the housekeeper would be interested in doing some work for you.

I would just phrase it as "Would you mind sending me your housekeeper's information?  I'd really like to see if she has availability to do work at our house since she does such a great job of yours."

You could ask where they found her because you're really interesting in finding someone to help out and it seems like she does a good job.  They may be looking to cut out the expense but feel bad letting her go - this would give them a chance to offer her a new opportunity.

You could ask where they found her because you're really interesting in finding someone to help out and it seems like she does a good job.  They may be looking to cut out the expense but feel bad letting her go - this would give them a chance to offer her a new opportunity.
I know she posted ads in the paper and interviewed more than a dozen ladies before deciding on her, it took awhile to find someone.   Some of the stories she told me about the applicants were crazy at the time.  

Oh, then they may not be looking to let her go.  But maybe they'd be willing to share?  I don't think it'd be rude to ask if they think she's interested in taking on additional hours.
