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Road Guy

Well-known member
Apr 24, 2006
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I have to kid of LOL- our building property manager called Denver Police cause someone left their dog in the parking deck in their "Subaru"

cops were kind of like " what are we doing here"?

dog owner cussing out property manager- Its 75 degrees this am...

I walked by and eavesdropped , but I didn't have the Gaul to take a picture....

Someone did that to my girlfriend and I once, we left the dogs in the car for 15 minutes to get lunch, it was less than 80 degrees out and the windows were open. The cop showed up and left without even talking to us. We only found out because someone who worked there told us about it.

if you lived in a real crime city , Detroit, Chicago, LA, Atlanta, I cant imagine the cops would even respond to that kind of call?

I also notice a lot of people here take their dogs in the car with them when they ski, leave them in the car all day when its 5 degrees out (in the mtns) ,, maybe the go back to their cars at lunch and let them out, but that just doesn't make sense to me..

we love our dog also, but some times life is easier if you just leave the damn dog at home... (we do with ours)

& I didn't post this on FB cause all the overly protective / sensitive animal police would be going crazy!

Equal Rights for Dogs now!!!

No cracked window! no Peace!!!

We never left our dog in the car. He would have chewed the shit out of the seats while we were gone.

if you lived in a real crime city , Detroit, Chicago, LA, Atlanta, I cant imagine the cops would even respond to that kind of call?

I also notice a lot of people here take their dogs in the car with them when they ski, leave them in the car all day when its 5 degrees out (in the mtns) ,, maybe the go back to their cars at lunch and let them out, but that just doesn't make sense to me..

we love our dog also, but some times life is easier if you just leave the damn dog at home... (we do with ours)

The dog always looks so bored. Wouldn't it be happier at home in the yard?

And unless the dog is in distress, the cops can't do anything. Facebook has everyone ready to break windows out if they see a dog. I think some people are excited to do it and want to brag about it.

We don't own a dog. I tell my kid to schooch down in the back when I run into the store so no one calls DFS.

I suspect the same people that feel they have to take their dog everywhere , or else the dog will be sad ,are the same people who when they do end up having kids, Are the parents that never tell their kids the word no.....

We never left our dog in the car. He would have chewed the shit out of the seats while we were gone.

