Historic Green

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I had moment where I thought, "Won't it all be carbon neutral when it gets washed away again?" but I'm a bit of a hardened cynic.

Neat, but I won't be volunteering. I'm mechanical and could only help out by spec'ing out better pumps. Maybe it would help if I spec'd out some that are wind powered.

^^ Well, you could insist that the HVAC systems be floodproofed. And that all mechanical units be elevated above the BFE. :)

I love NO and this would be a great deal of fun, but how do you get work done in between drinks?

I love NO and this would be a great deal of fun, but how do you get work done in between drinks?
You work and drink. That's how we dooze it here in da boot!
Hmmm...levees not built to spec, fail, and wash away the city...hmmm.

Pour me another Hand Grenade and let me try to figure out <hic> how that could have happened.


okay, :true:

I was sitting in a bar in the Big Easy sipping the house specialty, some giant, green, mind-erasing concoction of liquor and formaldehyde, when a giant cockroach perched up on the seat next to me. Bartender sez, "What'll you have Charlie?". Charlie sez something, gets his drink, and then me and Charlie had an interesting conversation. I have no recollection of the next 12 hours.

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It happens. My 21st birfday was 4 days before Mardi Gras... guess where my birfday party was... Well, on Sunday night I was with my ex (even then), her bff, the bff's f b, and someone else. Yada yada yada, I had about four hand grenades in 10 minutes. The next thing I know I'm laying in black goo / liquid near the gutter of a Bourbon St side street. After getting picked up, I played the role of uncapped fire hydrant. I think I spewed from one sidewalk to the other sidewalk completely missing the street. :puke: It was practically a laser. I don't remember anything after that until I woke up the next morning at the ex gf bff's house. :true:

It was awesome.
