
Professional Engineer & PE Exam Forum

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You need to recenter the page on your margins. (I think.)

Can you just copy the text and paste it into a "normal" document with a non-messed up ruler? 

Hit cntrl-Z to undo your last steps and see if it goes away.

So did you solve the problem? Or did you fall into the weekend without fixing it?

She fixed it:


A little late...but welcome to engineering: f-with it until it looks pretty again, issue the report, and when someone tries to edit your native file, deny you ever knew anything was wrong "What are you talking about, the format of that report never gave me any trouble!".

Well, I need help/guidance. Anyone familiar with pressure vessels and can confirm something for me related to MAEWP? Message me please! I am not in agreement with process, and would like some input/sanity check.
