Happy Veteran's Day

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x2. Thanks! and despite the state of current affairs, God Bless America and the troops that defend her.

Thanks go to all past, present, and future military who have served us and our country, including my dad, grandpa, uncles, etc... :unitedstates:

Another member here that wants to say THANKS!!! to all the EB veterans! It's really a big deal to me the sacrifices you all make to serve for the rest of us!

Thank you, veterans!

We had an awesome Veteran's Day ceremony here yesterday, with all sorts of Navy and Air Force officers from Guam up here to officiate at the WWII battleground memorial here. And a low-level B-52 flyover!

My sister posted a picture of my grandfather on Facebook today. It's the first time I ever saw an image of him as a young man. He never talked about WWII, and I don't know why not - he was an aircraft mechanic in New Caledonia, which may have been raided by the Japanese once or twice, but was certainly not a major battle. At any rate, he stayed in the Marines for more than 30 years (I think he went back to work as a civilian after he retired from active duty - he was still working in the 80s), and was chief mechanic for the Harrier programs at Cherry Point, NC, when he retired. He was such a nice, quiet man. This picture amazes me because it completely captures his personality, even in old age. Thanks, Grandpa!

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