Happy Pi Day (or something)

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matt267 PE

"1000000 warning points" Club Member
Dec 2, 2013
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I would NOT recommend apple pie shots at 9:26am. Damn my engineering friends...

I did.

I went with the prebuilt machine from ZaReason (http://zareason.com/shop/Limbo-6250A.html). The GPU isn't the best. I can see screen rips if I play a DVD. It could be the old monitor though. But, I don't watch DVD's on the computer. For what I need now and in the near future, this PC works. I can upgrade the video if needed.

I'm happy with it.

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I promised my friends that if we all stood around a bonfire in a perfect circle, and then simultaneously ate a piece of pie at 9:26:53 on 3/14/15, something "important" would happen.

We got clobbered by a tropical storm the next day :(
