Happy Birthday Fluvial!!!

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I've never met a lady over 39! And that included the little blue-haired ones in the front row at church. So, Happy 38th birthday!

Meh, it's just your 25th time for turning 25.

Happy birthday!!

btw, love the new avatar

:happybday: Feliz Cumpleaños Flu :happybday:

I am rigtht on your heels. Just stop there and I will catch you in four years Young Lady. It is indeed a great day for a birthday. :multiplespotting:

Happy B-day Flu. Enjoy it you....

50 is Nifty!!!

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Coincidentally, today is my birthday too.

And I am three years older than you, although I can guarantee you that you are in a lot better condition than me!

Happy birfday! Hope ya get laid, just like DK. :bananadoggywow:


I was just inferring that a trip to Hawai'i would be nice. You need to get your mind out of the gutter. ;)

Happy Birthday benbo! That's pretty cool, 3 on the same day. :)
I was in a statistics class and they had everybody write their birthday on a piece of paper. It was really surprising how much overlap in a class of around 40.

It was supposed to prove some statistical point, but I can't remember what it was now.
