Grid Ex II

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The North American Grid EX II drill has been planned by the federal government for Nov. 13-14 and will affect the United States, Canada and Mexico.

“Details about the exercise are being withheld until the day of the event to preserve the integrity of the response from participating agencies,” stated the release. “This exercise is designed to test how well participating agencies respond to a widespread power loss and challenges stemming from that event … No loss of electric service is expected as part of this simulation.”

Better tune up yer Genny's folks. Best time to run them is when they're not needed...

Weird thing is this only seems to be reported out west, and in the tinfoil hat sections of the web.

Heck, the local news said they were simulating an emergency at the airport, and to expect traffic delays, but I can't find it anywhere on the local news sites....

EDIT: just found it....

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Myeh. Is just a drill.

Think of it like a fire drill - nobody panics that the building is really burning down, but it does give the fire-marshall(s) a chance to see where the bottlenecks are. That way they're better prepared for the real thing.

For my money, we've already had just about the worst possible assault against our power grid that anyone could've imagined, and their names were Katrina and Sandy.


(I tried to find a Keep Calm and Keep Your AR Loaded, but this was the best I could do)

"The electrical grid is prone to system failures and needs modernization."

I'll take "What is One Truth and One Lie", for $200 Alex.

The August 2003 Northeast Blackout resulted from a combination of key monitoring systems offline, generators not responding as anticipated or requested, and then an overloaded line sagging from excess heat and short-circuiting to a tree. Obvious to the experts, this blackout could have been prevented if the grid reliability rules, including tree trimming, were mandatory, and the system needs for communications and cooperation were enforceable.

Er, let's go with "One Truth and One Lie" for $800.

"We will see in the next post in this series that this modernization will help integrate wind and solar energy supplies with the rest of the grid."

Let's switch categories and go to "The Union of Concerned Scientists are On Crack", for $1000 Alex. Make it the Daily Double.

- Read the list and factor out Acts-Of-God like hurricanes and storms (which infrastructure modernization can't prevent) (curiously, Katrina was left off the list)

- Then factor out things that happened before 1980, prior to grid modernization with electromechanical, computerized relays & controls.

- Then factor out major disruptions less than 24 hours - that's an inconvenience, not a catastrophic event.

You're left with one bad thing in India and a whole bunch of stuff on the West Coast, which incidentally and contrary to the point of the article, is directly attributable to a shortage of power plants - a situation caused by all the BANANAS out there (you know, Build Absolutely Nothing Anywhere Not Anytime?). Yup, this article is just a thinly veiled call for more centralized regulation authority, which is more of a cause than solution.

Has anyone seen the Nat Geographic show called American Blackout? I think it aired a few weeks ago, but I believe it is on again tonight...I really wanted to see it, but missed it the first go round

^No, but is it on the web yet? I've had good luck watching NOVA and Nat Geo. shows online. I'll have to look that one up.

Has anyone seen the Nat Geographic show called American Blackout? I think it aired a few weeks ago, but I believe it is on again tonight...I really wanted to see it, but missed it the first go round

Nah, I wanted to see that one.

You ever see the one where oil prices shot up so much that gas was 7-10 bucks a gallon? Riots in the streets, shootings at the pumps, America torn asunder by her addiction to dirty, nasty, oil.....

Well, I watched American Blackout last night and it sounds very similar to Capt's gas storyline. It was a good idea and not a bad show to watch, but they coulda spent a little more on the production. It was documentary style and at times reminded me of The Blair Witch Project...

Just go up to Fairbanks, it isn't a drill... ~14k without power from Wed night to Friday with a steady number regaining power. As of a few hours ago, still estimated around 800 w/o power and could remain that way till layer this week...

Lol, good fer MI. They're making progress.

Sounds like they do this drill, then Nature says; ok, yer ready, here's the real thing...
