Government Changing GDP Calculation

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Capt Worley PE

Run silent, run deep
May 4, 2007
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Don Draper, Mad Men’s master advertiser likes to say “when you don’t like what they are saying, change the conversation.” When it comes to the current economic weakness, which was confirmed again today by the release of lower than expected GDP data, Washington would love do just that. Fortunately for them, they consistently outdo the master minds of Madison Avenue when it comes to misdirection. If the government doesn’t like what people are saying, they don’t bother just to change the conversation, they change the meaning of the words.

The latest example of this was revealed earlier this week when the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) announced new methods of calculating Gross Domestic Product (GDP) that will immediately make the economy “bigger’ than it used to be. The changes focus heavily on how money spent on research and development (R&D) and the production of “intangible” assets like movies, music, and television programs will be accounted for. Declaring such expenditures to be “investments” will immediately increase U.S. GDP by about three percent. Such an upgrade would immediately increase the theoretic size of the U.S economy and may well lead to the perception of faster growth. In reality these smoke and mirror alterations are no different from changes made to the inflation and unemployment yardsticks that for years have convinced Americans that the economy is better than it actually is.

I haven't even seen this mentioned in Drudge headlines. I bet that the government was expecting to quietly make the change, then loudly announce the improved statistics the next time they are released (with the newly fudged numbers). And they will get away with it because Joe Sixpack watches the government like they watch NASCAR or Wrasslin'...they just pick a side and attack straw men on the other side.
