girl asked to leave mall because her dress was too short

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she's cute, but weird accent


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i think you guys had a slow news day -

The mall had absolutely no cause or authority to throw her out - coeds wear way more "provacative" stuff than that on most college campuses. this story sounds more like a 'cat-fight' of some kind between her & someone who knows the security staff at the mall or something along those lines.

She's 20, she should be able to wear what she wants (or not wear), as she opines.

Man, that would have passed muster at my PRIVATE school back in the 70s-80s. Ridiculous to turn her away for that.

i think you guys had a slow news day -
It was carried by our Fox affiliate (need I say more?)

The girl is cute and if she wants to dress like that, go for it. It certainly is a fashion trend these days thanks to Hollywood and the likes of Paris, the Kardashians, Jessica, etc. I like looking a girls in a mini-dress as well as the next guy. The girl can carry it off pretty well, too.

I just don't want to hear these little girls whine about the old leachers out there staring at her. You can't have it both ways. You dress like that and you're going to attract attention some of it likely unwelcome.

IMHO, entering any business is not a "right". The establishment should be able to ban whomever they want. It's up to the mall owner to decide if this security guard is making his own rules and take any appropriate action, but here is nothing to sue about here.

my 0.02.

She should be kicked out for spelling her name "Kymberly".

was this a result of the Gloucester, MA teen pregnanc pact? or was it not in MA ???

Whats funny if you go to any grocery store near the beach there will be at least a dozen ladies in bikinis, I find it funny because people (not on the beach) would probably have a cat if that happened in your regular suburban grocery store (not that I would complain)

The grocery store I frequent is right next to an apartment complex full of college students. It isn't uncmmon to see short shorts and bikini tops. I think maybe the security guard was jealous.

Nope. It didn't happen here in MA. FWIW, I heard on the local news today that the principal of Gloucester High resigned because the Mayor didn't back him on the "pact" claim. She told the media that his "memory failed" as to where the pact allegation came from and that the rash of pregnancies was just a coincidence. I suspect that this guy really didn't want to rat out his sources and the mayor just wanted to make it go away. The principal ended up looking like a dope so he split.

as for the girl in the mall, maybe it was the security guard's daughter.

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its sounds like a bullshit excuse to look her up and down, grab her, and "escort" her somewhere outside.

It actually looks like it passes the "fingertip test" used by most school districts in our area... I'm surprised that she got kicked out for something that would be "legal" in most high schools.

With arms down straight at the sides, the hemline has to be lower than the fingertips. That the way it was at my school.
