I am a relatively new Mechanical Engineer with a small company that does not have a PE. We make tools/walkways/lifting devices/etc. for construction companies and other similar groups. I have heard that it is illegal for another company to stamp our products without being directly involved in the design process. We usually send our drawing sets to a PE(not under our payroll/is paid per job) after the project has been designed, for the PE to stamp. Are there any other suggestions for how we should proceed on further projects if this is illegal/frowned upon other than just hiring a full time PE? I would like to make sure that our company complies by any rules that are necessary instead of just leaving for a company that does things better. If there are any rules that apply to this(I live in Arizona), can you please include them so I can reference them/show them to my employer if necessary? Thank you for any input, as I would like to make sure my career starts on the right path.