funny pic thread

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That has to be like a lockerroom team award for the player who made most errors in a game or some other lost the game for us shtick

At first i was thinking that you guys are sick and it's just a cowboy boot that's leaning to one side, however under closer inspection I'm not so sure who the sicko is.  You'd think management wouldn't allow that in the locker room period.

Mets-Fan good series of posts.  Some of those had me LOL

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Peyronie's is not something to laugh about.


I've thought about ordering some of these and putting them out in a bowl up at our reception desk.  As someone who did the whole Atkins for a while, I can say that, once your system is used to the sugar alcohols it is fine, but getting there is "fun"...the description is pretty spot on.

I'm pretty sure those are the sugar-free gummy bears. I had a friend have a similar experience with sugar-free candy.  :blink:
