funny pic thread

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reminded me of this old favorite: The power of heavy drugs -


I'm not one to get all judgemental but these should probably go in a "Just Say No" or a "Disturbing Pics" thread. They are actually quite the depressing pics and I was really disappointed to come in this morning, see new posts on the thread expecting some T&A, and instead find some doped up crack whores. Damnit.

As Homer Simpson says, "Its funny 'cause its true"

But your point is well taken.

How about the nine looks no dudes should ever try to pull off?



Manpris. For when you can’t quite decide between shorts and pants. That not only did someone, somewhere think capri pants for dudes was a good idea, but that some dudes actually wear them, is one of two great mysteries that keeps us up at night.


Crocs. For when you don’t realize that some fads are just meant for women and children. Geezus. Have some self respect.


The Fauxhawk. For when you want people to figure out just by looking at you that you’re trying too hard. Griffin Guess snagging Marissa Miller is the other great mystery that keeps us up at night.


The Low Cut V-neck. For when you want to guarantee that no other dude will sit next to you. What, are you trying to get motorboated?


Spray Tans. For when you don’t realize something is a bad idea.


Gatsby Hats. For when you think you can pull off a look NFL quarterbacks can’t even pull off.


Neck Beards. For when you’ve outgrown the chinstrap.


Barbed Wire Tattoos. For when you want people to think you played college football in the late nineties. Even though you didn’t. And you’re an ass clown.


White Guy Dreadlocks. For when hacky sack alone can no longer define you. White guy dreadlocks may be the single largest menace facing our nation today.

And there you have it. If you have unfortunately tried to pull off one of these looks at one time or another, don’t fool yourself into believing you’re the exception. You’re not. Get your **** together.

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I'm not one to get all judgemental but these should probably go in a "Just Say No" or a "Disturbing Pics" thread. They are actually quite the depressing pics and I was really disappointed to come in this morning, see new posts on the thread expecting some T&A, and instead find some doped up crack whores. Damnit.
This thread isn't labeled "T&A pics" either so you really can't get to upset about it.

Oh man! Spray tans reminds me that I haven't checked out the HCWDB website in AGES! (Hot Chicks With Douche Bags)

And to get technical, hot T&A pics aren't funny. Even more reason not to get too upset.

True, but the fact that there is T&A in the picture outweighs the fact that they are off topic. When you put some ragged out old crack whore here, while not quite as bad, it's like putting tubgirl on this thread. It's a real downer as far as I'm concerned. I make visits to this thread to cheer me up and jubbly bubblies, giant ****s, and assorted other soft core porn do the trick.

Maybe someone needs to start a make Chucktown happy thread.

Personally, I find crack hos hilarious. Maybe ODB does, too. Shoot, amybe everyone does.

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