funny pic thread

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Very nice TOP sir.

Suggestion to the group: create a new thread for these ladies pics, and return this thread back to "funny" pics. That way those of us who visit know if we can open it safely.

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Ble, I know you can do better than that. Here is a chance for redemption. Surprise us...pleazzzzzz
How's this?

That looks pretty safe to me.

I meant for those of us visiting from our work comps.

I really enjoy the pics, it just makes it difficult to open these threads when we have "the man" keeping tabs on our internet usage.

I meant for those of us visiting from our work comps.
I really enjoy the pics, it just makes it difficult to open these threads when we have "the man" keeping tabs on our internet usage.
I think the solution to your problem would be to quit your job. ;)

Or not open this thread at work. I think the subtitle of this thread gives you a warning that the material here may not be work appropriate.

PG-13 (some suggestive material)
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I meant for those of us visiting from our work comps.
I really enjoy the pics, it just makes it difficult to open these threads when we have "the man" keeping tabs on our internet usage.
You have a good point there. This is why I try to avoid checking some threads while working. This is one of them. I only do it if

i) alone

ii) lunch time

iii) from home

If there are people around I skip this thread.

Conversely, I find myself returning to this thread occaisionally during work. I enjoy looking at some of the pictures (like the most recent one for example) and science has proven that looking is good for my health. Thus it's beneficial to my employer as well.

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the kid on the unicycle is so staged it's sad but it's a good clip for kids his age to come up with.

the kid on the unicycle is so staged it's sad but it's a good clip for kids his age to come up with.
That's what I thought too, but it looks like he may have cut the corner too close and the pedal hit the ground and brought him to a screeching halt. Can't say for sure though...still wouldn't be surprised if it was staged.

I have a nephew named "Scott Kelly" and what the banner says is true.

Of course, he's seven though.

But his ex-girlfriend is indeed just spiteful enough to pull a stunt like that ^^^. They can be vicious even at that age.

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