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NJmike PE

Game Czar
May 17, 2013
Reaction score

The thread for when it's just one of those days and you want to vent about it.

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dude, I literally want to do that to my monitor today. It got Fed up over the weekend. wont change from 800x600 resolution.

nothing, I repeat, nothing has gone correct today. Wife and her endless bitching, project going long past due for software reasons which I cannot figure out. F it all!

So, tomorrow the NJ family is attending a FD BBQ. It is also Mrs NJ's bday. Well, she decided that she was going to publicly volunteer NJmike to do the whip nae nae dance in front of everyone. Really?...

I'm white. I have less than no rhythm. Yup. This will go viral I'm sure.

Had to look that up (which I regret). I suppose, on the bright side, at least she didn't volunteer you for twerking.

I had none! Zero rhythm. But on the flip side I was pretty drunk.

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It's a fact that being drunk increases the attractiveness of the opposite sex and also multiplies your dancing ability by a factor of 100. The bad news is 100 x 0...

Soanyone know how much hassle it is to start a class action suit against Sprint? Or, as seems normal this month, i get instructed on how i am posting in the the wrong thread.

I see how it is...Matt starts studying and I have to take up the slack.

Sure, I'll take one for the team if it means that he'll pass.
