frivolous lawsuits

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Nov 3, 2006
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first it was subway because their sandwiches were sometimes shorter than 12 or 6 inches.

Now some yahoo is suing starbucks because her iced drink has too much ice.  

I saw that.  Are they going to have to charge more now for ice on the side?
i don't drink coffee warm or of the iced variety, but when I order a fountain drink, from anywhere, it is always without ice...cold enough without it. and they usually fill the cup with more ice than drink...everybody knows this, not sure why she is just figuring this out now?    

The ice will eventually melt and you'll get the full amount of liquid.

All anyone has to so is ask the server to go easy on the ice.  It's not a conspiracy and certainly not worthy of a lawsuit.  Gotta love how the lead plaintiff in these suits always says "it's not about the money...."

the worst thing about these ice drinks is that when I go to Dunkin Donuts for coffee and order a "regular coffee" they then have to ask me "hot or cold"?

The ice will eventually melt and you'll get the full amount of liquid.

All anyone has to so is ask the server to go easy on the ice.  It's not a conspiracy and certainly not worthy of a lawsuit.  Gotta love how the lead plaintiff in these suits always says "it's not about the money...."
Well, no, since ice has a greater volume than water.  Your drink will be slightly under filled, and your consumerist rage is now wholly justified.

related question- do you think the 19 year old girl (who works in the Dunkin drive through) flirts with all the boys (dirty old men) or just me?

Is she the one asking "Hot or cold?" and are you sure she's talking about the coffee?

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The ice will eventually melt and you'll get the full amount of liquid.

All anyone has to so is ask the server to go easy on the ice.  It's not a conspiracy and certainly not worthy of a lawsuit.  Gotta love how the lead plaintiff in these suits always says "it's not about the money...."

Well, no, since ice has a greater volume than water.  Your drink will be slightly under filled, and your consumerist rage is now wholly justified.
That's some expensive ice water.   although these same people probably buy that fiji water stuff.  
