Focus Group - Phone Interviews

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Well-known member
Mar 17, 2008
Reaction score
New Orleans
We have been asked by a marketing research firm, who is conducting a study for a major oil company, to find engineers currently working in the oil industry to participate in a 15-20 minute phone interview. Must have at least 5 years of experience in the oil industry. Pay is $50.

Please send an email to [email protected] if you are interested. Put "Phone Interview" in the subject of the email. Also, please fill in the following brief questionnaire:

1. Name

2. Phone Number

3. How many total years of experience do you have working full-time?

4. How many total years of experience do you have working full-time in the oil or gas industry?

5. Are you currently employed?

6. Please describe the industry of your current employer (must be related to oil/gas)

7. If unemployed, when were you last employed full time?

8. Which of the following best describes your current employment situation?

a. I’m content with my current situation, and am not actively seeking a change
b. I’m content with my current situation, but am exploring a change
c. I’m not content with my current situation, and am exploring a change
d. I’m not content with my current situation, and am actively seeking a change
9. What type of engineer are you?

10. Are there any oil and gas companies that you would not want to work for?

11. Have you participated in a focus group discussion session in the last 6 months?

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