First one to 10K wins...

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It'll likely hit 25% before the end if the day. It is good to see some of the noobs participate too...

So am trying to organize the garage some (50* inside, 20* outside) with the doors shut n without a coat. Other half walks in, immediately complains about the stuffyness and opens the doors. About 3 minutes later, she says shes cold and heads inside leaving the doors open... There goes getting anything done till the heater kicks on again.

Sometimes i think she does this crap to ensure i'm inside sitting on the couch instead of getting chores done around the house...

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Checking in before a long day of REAL football...
What is this world of warcraft that you speak of?
Thought you used to be a gamer...
WoW was ok in the early years but I just couldn't get into it. There was a similar style game that eas Star Wars based which I was much more addicted to. Still miss playing that game.
I live with a pretty hard core WoW gamer, who told me I never take interest in her hobbies. So I recently started playing occasionally, and must admit I suck.

I just never thought my five year old daughter would take an interest.

^My favorite movie.

Meanwhile in the future: Surprise Board Meeting. Monday SUUUUUUUCCKKKKKSSSSSS!

I can barely keep up with my DVR and need to watch movie list without adding games

Thought I spammed more than idea how much daily spamming it takes to get into the 300s

I hate Richard Sherman. That being said I'm not expecting a win from the GMEN but I'll take OBJ smoking him a few times

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