Fancy poo stools

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Sapper PE LS

Aspiring Couch Potato
Apr 25, 2006
Reaction score
Near Alpha Centauri Relatively Speaking
I bought a house recently and the previous owner had this fancy toilet installed in the half bath. I hate it. It is too low and the bowl curves around completely engulfs my junk. I feel kind of like I'm loading into the passenger hatch of one of the Apollo spacecraft. Anybody else have issues with the high end toilets? I think I prefer the simple, timeless classic of the traditional powder room porcelain.

The house we bought last November has 4 bathrooms and none of the thrones are alike. My sons thunder box is really fancy with designs cuts into the porcelain, the public john has a plunger in the top of the lid you have to pull up to flush and, ironically, the master crapper is the smallest and most plain of them all. Not that I need a fancy can to do my business in or anything.

you know, I'd ask for a picture but I really don't want to see it...

You asked for it:


The house we moved into has a couple of 'interesting' toilets which of course my wife hates. In the half bath there is a one piece, low profile toilet. It's in good shape and works fine, but my wife dislikes it because she doesn't like having to lean over the toilet to flush it. The master bathroom has a pressure assist toilet. I think this is awesome, it flushes like one you'd find in a public restroom so it would be pretty difficult to clog. My wife hates it of course because it is noisey. I plan on ignoring her complaints for a while. There are enough other projects to do in the house that I can put replacing either toilet off for the time being. I have a hard time bringing myself to replace to perfectly good toilets because they are noisey and/or require you to lean over.

The house we moved into has a couple of 'interesting' toilets which of course my wife hates. In the half bath there is a one piece, low profile toilet. It's in good shape and works fine, but my wife dislikes it because she doesn't like having to lean over the toilet to flush it. The master bathroom has a pressure assist toilet. I think this is awesome, it flushes like one you'd find in a public restroom so it would be pretty difficult to clog. My wife hates it of course because it is noisey. I plan on ignoring her complaints for a while. There are enough other projects to do in the house that I can put replacing either toilet off for the time being. I have a hard time bringing myself to replace to perfectly good toilets because they are noisey and/or require you to lean over.
1) Create a pulley-cable system for the "leaning" toilet so she doesn't have to bend over anymore

2) Hang a pair of ear muffs next to the noisy toilet.

Problems solved.

We have plenty of ear plugs around, I'll find basket or something and leave a bunch on top of the toilet tank. That'll go over really well. :D

I just watched a commercial before a news video for Poo-Pourri. You spray it before you go and it creates a barrier that holds in smells "after you launch your astronauts."

When we replaced out ancient throne for a more modern one, they asked if I wanted the extended bowl or just the standard one. I went with the standard, but really should've gone for the extended. It's more oval and provides more breathing room for my junk while taking a HSD. Highly recommend going for the extended bowl.

When we replaced out ancient throne for a more modern one, they asked if I wanted the extended bowl or just the standard one. I went with the standard, but really should've gone for the extended. It's more oval and provides more breathing room for my junk while taking a HSD. Highly recommend going for the extended bowl.

The higher seat models are recommended, too. Easier on aging knees.

so in additon to the retractable seat, it rotates 180 degrees too. cool.
