Ethanol free fuel

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so basically conoco-phillips, some shells and lots of mom&pop places...which probably buy from conoco-phillips.

I get alcohol-free gas all the time. It's 100 octane, contains lead, and costs about $6/gallon.

They're still trying to figure out an unleaded alternative to 100LL but they aren't there yet. Unfortunately for me, my engine won't survive on alcohol-free car gas. I have a friend with a low-compression engine and his own little tanker truck to bring car-gas to his plane at the airport.

Ethanol kills marine motors....It just burns too hot. The Marina where my boat is sells ethanol free gas, but it's a bit pricey, although I'm sure cheaper than the alternative.

It is also wicked on most carburetors, especially motorcycles as the small idle jets get constantly clogged.

Here in Oregon we can only run ethanol free offroad and marine, Ethanol has given me lots of business, but I think it is a total crock of $hit and would vote against all subsidies and requirements if I had the chance.

Guess that is the difference between engineers and politicians.

You can't actually buy ethanol-free gas in the county where I live because we are in a "non-attainment" area...

Yeah, there's one local place that's ethanol free. Priced same as E10, but @ 10% better mileage.
