Email sensoring

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Master of the Boondoggle
Nov 7, 2006
Reaction score
I keep not getting some emails - usually from my husband. ANd I just realized it's because they have swear words in them. He said "lucky b@st@rds" in one and "sh!t" in another. Maybe I shouldn't be using work email for personal use, but I think it's bizarre that they would filter email with swear words. Does anyone else's work do this?

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I sent my wife an e-mail once and it got bounced back. It was about Everlast's Whitey Fod Sings the Blues album. Apparently, her email didn't like the word Whitey.

we have a fairly annoying spam filter, but I dont think it filters swear words, I will have to test it out though.

Our filter doesn't do that. But it's quirky in it's own way. Sometimes an email gets sent out to multiple people, and I'll get several responses to the email before getting the actual message.

my state govt email server filters stuff randomly and I don't get any notification. fortunately I have access to my gmail, and I try to use that as much as possible.

I think the filters are supposed to help reduce the number of incidents of inappropriate content being passed back and forth in office emails. I know what you all are thinking, well of course that's what it's for. But I think it's supposed to prevent incidents like what occurred a few months (maybe more then a year now) in your county RG. If I remember correctly there were several emails that had originated form government email addresses that were *cough* politically incorrect. Of course the government agency gets a black eye for 'letting this stuff go on'. It's silly that the corporation or agency takes the blame for an individuals actions but the lawyers like to go after the deep pockets. It's probably best to keep anything you wouldn't want to have to try and explain to bosses or co-workers on your personal accounts.

I have access to my gmail, and I try to use that as much as possible.
"gmail", he said "gmail, and I try to use it as much as possible"...

Work has all of the outside e-mail programs blocked, aol, hotmail, yahoo, gmail, but I can still access my personal mail server through Verizon (I guess the IT Nazis haven't found that one yet).

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I have problems with e-mail filtering at my job but it appears to be somewhat random. I get hundreds of #$%^&* solicitations for hot, horny, underage girls looking for a good time or offering a link to peep at thier webcam or prescriptions for levitra, viagra, cialis or whatever ED treatment is popular on the market ... those do NOT get blocked. What gets blocked are e-mails from one of my classmates whose e-mail is from Taiwan. Go figure!

I do not engage in anything that 'looks' like personal communication by e-mail because of the stir it has caused about non-work related activities. I have used my e-mail for school (it's work-related, professional development) and communication with some folks from (professional development) but nothing more. I have ACTIVELY let it be known not to send jokes or anything that would seem 'spammy' to my work e-mail.

It really sucks because all of my other e-mail portals are blocked by the IT nazis ... except there is a subtle backdoor for my college e-mail account. Sssshhhhh ... ;)


^^it's amazing how they target the audience for that spam.

for example, I get penis reduction and libido limiting offers. go figure :dunno:

We have spam filters at work - but corporate creates them... I've NEVER had it block any of my friend's e-mails that contain swear words. Not sure what filters they use, but they allow all kinds of correspondence that is like a drunken sailor.

Plus, I think we've discussed - a swear word every once in a while is kind of like adding spice to a conversation - it will add some FLAVAH...

^^^ I have just accepted that e-mail filters are screwy. Period.

Sapper, off-topic but I was wondering - what is that in your signature line? I was guessing the front-end of a jeep. Am I right?? :D


SapperPE said:
I get stuff sensored all the time. When you are talking on the phone hear and you say something that might be a little sensitive, you hear a loud, high pitched screach for like 5 seconds and then you ask if they heard you and they say no, so you try to say it again and you get the high pitched screech.
Oh, and emails get sensored a little bit too. For example, if somebody sends me an email with the subject "Letter", I won't get it. I have no idea why.

I've got to throw the bullshit flag on this one!

I, too, have heard that noise on DSN lines in or coming from Iraq but I've never seen a pattern. It seems practically impossible to listen to all conversations in real time - not even the NSA can do that. Am I too naive?

SapperPE said:
I don't know, but it always happens when I am talking with my rear det about personnel issues. It is pretty annoying, and it seems to happen specifically when we are discussing an issue. Maybe I'm just reading too much into it. I don't hear it when I'm talking to my wife and I don't discuss sensitive information with her.
Interesting... maybe you can conduct a little experiment. :) If someone were listening you sure could have fun with them.
