EET review course

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May 30, 2017
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Greetings.  I just wanted to say that I passed the 8-hour exam with the help from the good folks at Engineering Education and Training (EET).  The course material focused only on the exam topics, was easy to follow and understand, and provided adequate practice for me.  I watched the videos twice and kept to their schedule, which encouraged me not to fall behind with my studies.  (After covering every subject, I had 3 weeks to spare before the exam date to go back over my weakest subjects, to take their practice exam, and to organize my notes.)  The instructors are very knowledgeable with their subject specialty, and were friendly, helpful, and quick at answering my questions.  My coworker recommended EET to me after he passed the 8-hour exam.  Now that I passed, I am recommending EET to everyone...... Quick note, I studied 10 hours a day on weekends and 3 hours a day on weekdays for 4 months.  I reviewed the EET morning breadth material, and studied the afternoon depth on my own...... Good luck to all who are taking the exams.
