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no luck so far, tried searching as follows:



engineer boards



It may not have been entered into the tapatalk search engine yet. I'll keep trying though

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IF I go to the forum through the browser, it directs me to tapatalk; just hasn't found it in the app itself yet

Has this forum been listed in the tapatalk network? That could be why it's not showing up in my searches for it, additional information was found here. There's a link at the bottom of the page for adding a forum to the "network".

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It must take a while then. I'll try again later today after lunch and see what happens.

Thanks for working on this.

just returned from lunch and tried it again; still not yet showing up in the network listings when I search for it on the tapatalk app. Their servers must be lagging today.

Tapatalk forum said it takes 72 hours to "recognize"

Does anyone use forum runner? It's a cheaper option?

Thanks for the update. I'll hold off on searching again until later this weekend then. I've never heard of forum runner. 99% of the forums I frequent utilize tapatalk in some fashion or another.

I'll go check out forum runner to see if it's compatible with some of the other forums I frequent.

Edit - Just checked out forum runner in iTunes. The current version (1.6) appears to be really buggy and causing a lot of problems on iPhones. Since they no longer have a free version to utilize for testing purposes, I'll save my $1.99 for the time being. Others can weigh in with their thoughts.

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They guy that owns jeep forum told me he uses it, it works okay for the iPad but doesn't work that great on the iPhone/iPod..

I was gonna try and install that also in case anyone uses that software...

They guy that owns jeep forum told me he uses it, it works okay for the iPad but doesn't work that great on the iPhone/iPod..

I was gonna try and install that also in case anyone uses that software...
I saw it on the iPad this weekend, but didn't install it...I will install and give it a try.

I havent uploaded the forum runner files yet..

I dont konw whats up with the tapatalk.... I beleive everything is "correct" based on there instructions.... they dont seem to be too big on customer service!

I tried checking tapatalk yesterday evening with nothing yet. I'm gonna wait till after lunch today to try again. If the company said 72 hours, I'll wait till that time is up.

Usually it works pretty good, a lot better than the current ivp app that is out there, the old one was much better; but you can't get it in the states anymore!

Just tried it again as it's been the 72 hours with the app not showing any results.

Makes me think that something is messed up on the tapatalk end.

All searches thus far have been fruitless. What "network classification" were we filed under? Maybe I can find it that way.

I've gone through the 352 Education & Profession / Profession listings and didn't see it there, I'll continue to look later. (I did find the PPI forums in this area though).

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I cant figure it out, tapatalk said everything on there end is fine, Im looking around the admin control panel to see if there was a button i missed or something...

All I can say RG is thank you for working on this. I know it is tough to be an admin and keep things running on top of one's personal life, so thanks again for all you do.

On a side note, I did a google search for "cannot find forum in tapatalk" and ended up on the tapatalk support forum. Most of the threads seemed to be responded to with the following information: "Did you publish your forum in tapatalk forum owner area?" by the support staff. I don't know if that helps debug the situation or not. Some of the same staff writers further stated that once a forum was published in the forum owner area, it would be immediately available on the tapatalk thread.

Thanks again & maybe the above will help in the debugging process.

I started a thread on their support forum, seems like those people are either seriously overwhelmed or something

heres what the "control panel" of tapatalk looks like so you can see what description it has..

this shit really irritates me!!!!!! But I hope to be able to get it squared away soon, I appreciate your patience!

