Dumb Winter Drivers

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RIP - VTEnviro

His Memory Eternal
Apr 25, 2006
Reaction score
Frozen Plains of the North
We've got a light but steady snowfall coming down this morning, and there is a dusting on the ground including the roads, first accumulation of the year. The interstate is wet and sloppy but doesn't have much snow on it. It took me a while to get in, but at no point did I ever feel unsafe.

So for an area that gets as much snow as we do, you'd think it's no big deal right? On my 17 mile commute I saw 4 accidents! One was a truck that took out a sign post, another guy hit a guardrail and flipped his car over in the median.

It's snowing folks, doing 75 mph isn't a good idea. Just take it slow, turn off the phone, and you'll get to work eventually. It never ceases to amaze me the dumb accidents I see.

When I lived in the upper peninsula of Michigan we would have the same thing happen during the first one or two snows. There would be a few minor accidents but then everyone would remember the snow is going to be here until March and I have to drive a little slower and I can't stop on a dime. I now live in southern NJ where when we get the occasional snow that covers the roads, everybody in SUVs still drives like its an nice summer day. Heck most of the people here drive really crazy in the snow as they rush home so they don't get snowed in with that big 1 to 2 inch accumulation. They even close schools with the threat of accumulations over 2 inches.

the first storm of the season that starts out on a warm roadway surface is a slick as goose poo.

There are bumper stickers around here that are placed upside down and say: "If you you can read this, someone from California stole my car"

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We've got a light but steady snowfall coming down this morning, and there is a dusting on the ground including the roads, first accumulation of the year. The interstate is wet and sloppy but doesn't have much snow on it. It took me a while to get in, but at no point did I ever feel unsafe.
So for an area that gets as much snow as we do, you'd think it's no big deal right? On my 17 mile commute I saw 4 accidents! One was a truck that took out a sign post, another guy hit a guardrail and flipped his car over in the median.

It's snowing folks, doing 75 mph isn't a good idea. Just take it slow, turn off the phone, and you'll get to work eventually. It never ceases to amaze me the dumb accidents I see.
We have the same freaking problem here in South F'rida. What? Huhhh? :Locolaugh: :Locolaugh:

I mean people driving like crazy. They don't need snow to be a dumb.

The weather here this morning was great, it still didn't stop people from running into one another. I passed a wreck this morning that caught my attention though. A little red sports coupe got rear ended on the freeway and it was bad. Basically the entire back of the car was gone, but that wasn't what caught my eye. By the time I got there the wreckage had been mostly cleared and the little red sports coupe was sitting on the back of a tow truck on the shoulder of the freeway. Since the back half of the car was essentially missing you could see all the way to the driver and passenger seats. Wedged between them was what appeared to be a human head. Now that really catches your attention on your drive to work. It wasn't until I got closer that I realized that head belonged to a mannequin. I guess it was the drivers HOV 'passenger'.

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^^^ do people really pull that stunt, or are you just trickin?

That's what my son used to say:

Son: Dad, I broke so-and-so toy

Dad: Okay, bring it here so I can try and fix it.

Son: Ha Ha, I was just trickin'

the first storm of the season that starts out on a warm roadway surface is a slick as goose poo.
I didn't realize there was a qualitative slickness scale. What are the other ratings?

It's now officially snowing pretty hard here now, and sticking to everything.

^^ I always heard:

"Slicker than deer guts on a doorknob"

I'm not sure if that is less slick, more slick, or as slick as goose poo.

I can't believe it's snowing anywhere. I'm wearing flip flops. :-\ I miss seasons...

That California bumper sticker is awesome- I gotta get some of those!

I didn't realize there was a qualitative slickness scale. What are the other ratings?
The one I always heard growing up was "Slicker than cat shit on a linoleum floor." Not sure how that rates on either deer guts or goose poo scales.


Goose poo is slick! And it is nasty out there! It took me 2 hours to get into work...and I live 6 miles away!! It was like a giant sheet of ice on the road.

aaaaah...they worst part is that I have an appointment at 1:30 to get my snow tires on.

Ah... I always love the SUV drivers in the winter. "I have 4 wheel drive, I don't need to go slower." Of course, this was the same sentiment of the driver last season who swerved across the highway 4 times before taking out my front end.

Goose poo is slick! And it is nasty out there! It took me 2 hours to get into work...and I live 6 miles away!! It was like a giant sheet of ice on the road.
aaaaah...they worst part is that I have an appointment at 1:30 to get my snow tires on.
nothing like waiting until the last minute. I just noticed the other day that my fornt tires (FWD car) are pretty worn. There's deep tread on the rear ones though :smileyballs:

We're getting a dusting down here near Bo-town

Ah... I always love the SUV drivers in the winter. "I have 4 wheel drive, I don't need to go slower." Of course, this was the same sentiment of the driver last season who swerved across the highway 4 times before taking out my front end.
Even better are the Northerners who claim "You Southerners can't drive on snow!" We can drive fine on snow. Too bad we get ICE. Unless you have spiked tires, no one can drive well on it.

Even better are the Northerners who claim "You Southerners can't drive on snow!" We can drive fine on snow. Too bad we get ICE. Unless you have spiked tires, no one can drive well on it.
Agreed. Having lived in upstate NY driving in snow is 103X easier than on 1/2-inch of ice - of course, the lack of any winter driving skills for most of the populace doesn't help either.

The first rain after 6-8 weeks of no rain is probably the most treacherous driving condition down in TX. maybe as bad as ice.

The first rush-hour after "fall back" seems to be horrible too - all of the sudden nobody can drive at night.

I've got snow tires on now, so I can drive as fast as I want, as long as those flatlanders stay out of my way! ;)

It's been pretty cold around here, too. I've started sporting a turtle-neck.

I haven't seen testee lately, either. I think he's moved north for the winter.


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