donating blood

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Taking suggestions
Nov 3, 2006
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unpadded cell
I reached my 1 gallon donated milestone today! I only donate about once a year when work holds blood drives.

Anyone else donate on a regular basis?

I donate every 8 weeks. They come to the office which makes it convenient. Free cookies and juice, I'm in.

I hit the 2 gallon a few years ago. Then I'm talking with the phelbotobmist and she tells me that there is not that much demand for my blood type, but I am a universal donor for plasma. So I started doing that, but you have to make an appointment first and it's almost like they are making it too much work....

I had to stop for a year after visiting some malarial swamps this time last year, I have to get back into it.

My wife has given 1 or 2 gallons. She's goes every 6 weeks and is on a first name basis with all the old people that camp out in there during the drive. I've given twice. Both times it hurt. Last time it hurt BAD. Both times had terrible bruising and its not been convenient either time. Lets just say I'm not hopping up and down to give again. Something I didn't expect though was to be hassled by red cross every time they are in town. They are pushier than IRS agents about giving blood. They call and its not "Are you coming this time?", Its "when can I set up your appointment? Oh, you cant make it to this one. Well, when can I make your appointment for the one in the next county?". Very pushy.

they don't want mine because I take high-blood pressure meds.

First and only time I donated I had a rookie nurse who'd never done it before. She accidentally disconnected the tube while the needle was still in my arm. My arm became a blood spigot. Never again.

they don't want mine because I take high-blood pressure meds.


I guess I'd be in the same boat. Never donated, though.
According to the red cross website blood pressure meds shouldn't disqualify you, but blood pressure outside their limits would.

Blood Pressure, High

Acceptable as long as your blood pressure is below 180 systolic (first number) and below 100 diastolic (second number) at the time of donation. Medications for high blood pressure do not disqualify you from donating.
Blood Pressure, Low

Acceptable as long as you feel well when you come to donate, and your blood pressure is at least 80/50 (systolic/diastolic).
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Mrs. Goodal has to eat a cheese burger (red meat) and take iron pills to make sure her iron is high enough to give.

No way. I'd be passed out on the floor. Just thinking about it gives me the heebe jeebies.

I try to. When I worked as a prisoner at my last employer, the blood drive people had a dedicated area of the medical building onsite and we could donate any time of day for the whole week. No problemo! Got many a t-shirts from that.

At my new employer, where I frolic in fun times, there is no large medical building. Just a basic nurse station. So the blood drive people come by in their motor home thing. There are only spots for four people at a time. They're only onsite from 5 AM - Noon for ONE DAY. If I get there with a waiting line, I don't even try to donate. Been here almost two years and have donated only twice because of it.

they used to set up with the lounge chair things in one of larger conf/hearing rooms. But they have switched to bloodmobile for the past couple years....they use less staff in the mobile setting. there is also their main collection facility here in town, so they try to get more people to go there but it is downtown and parking sucks so I wait until they come here

Thanks RW. I've been on BP meds for 9 years, and I was pretty sure I had donated since then...don't feel quite so guilty now.

Used to, but they won't let me now because of medical history.

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I gave a couple of times way back when, last time I tried (this is at least 10 years ago) they told me I didn't qualify because of my high blood pressure medications. So I have not tried again since. Can't say it bothered me because I wasn't all fired up above giving, I just wanted to help if they needed it.

I think they've changed the rules since the last time I tried to donate so it wouldn't surprise me if they have changed their policy on BP medication.
