Dolls without hair for Cancer Kids

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Resident Sweet Cheeks
Apr 30, 2008
Reaction score
somewhere between a rock and a hard place...

Okay, I think this idea was really a good idea, and even cooler is that American Girl says that if you already have a doll with hair, you can have her admitted to the hospital and they will remake the doll...

Not exactly the point of the thread though... one of my friends the facebook link/photo, and I was scrolling through the comments, most people praised it, and some people said it took to long with sarcastic dumb wit or bashed it in some way, and then I came to one comment... unfortunately I can't find it again, but in summary...

the woman said that her daughter loved the doll company, and would love to dress like her doll, but is obese and the company doesn't make the girl size clothes in plus sizes... then went on to say that they should have started carrying plus size girls cloths before they worked on this doll since there were more girls with weight problems than with cancer...

am I strange? or does any one else see an issue with that statement?

a little insensitive and not the proper place to make such a remark...but she does have a point about the increased # of + sized girls that can't dress up like their expensive dollies.
