Document management software

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Well-known member
May 11, 2006
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Does anybody else have this document management (called Hummingbird) software that makes you save documents to a central warehouse. It drives me nuts! Most of the time I just want to save things to my laptop, but if you are on the network it always pops up everytime you want to sav esomething and slows you to a crawl. I asked my IT guy, and he says we can't bypass it. Of course, maybe he doesn't know.

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^^^ I don't have that product, but I have something akin to it called OCULUS. It is used for imaging and archiving mostly even though the work-flow component is more or less disabled. I think there is a thought to implment a 'paperless' office workflow thrugh a similar integrated application.

I am with you on this one .... WTF ??!!!

That is my typical expression when something goes missing because it was pushed into the Twilight Zone of OCULUS - I have gotten some dirty remarks from my upper managers because I insist on a copy of all correspondence marked PRIVATE sent to me at my business address. You can't mess with those apples !!


Does anybody else have this document management (called Hummingbird) software that makes you save documents to a central warehouse. It drives me nuts! Most of the time I just want to save things to my laptop, but if you are on the network it always pops up everytime you want to sav esomething and slows you to a crawl. I asked my IT guy, and he says we can't bypass it. Of course, maybe he doesn't know.
Step 1:


Step 2:

Open Task Manager

Step 3:

Kill any program that looks like it might be the one slowing you down.

Step 4:

Test to see if the program was killed. Repeat until it works.

Step 5:

Reboot, then follow steps 1-4 to kill your problem program. No more slow computer per our IT department personel. :party-smiley-048: :multiplespotting: :party-smiley-048: :multiplespotting:

Step 6:

Keep what you did a secret.

Step 1:

Step 2:

Open Task Manager

Step 3:

Kill any program that looks like it might be the one slowing you down.

Step 4:

Test to see if the program was killed. Repeat until it works.

Step 5:

Reboot, then follow steps 1-4 to kill your problem program. No more slow computer per our IT department personel. :party-smiley-048: :multiplespotting: :party-smiley-048: :multiplespotting:

Step 6:

Keep what you did a secret.
I'll give it a try.

^^^ I don't have that product, but I have something akin to it called OCULUS.
Wasn't OCULUST one of the Bond girls? Specialized in watching her prey through a hgh-powered telescopic sight.

Just to comment, my new company has a complete and total software genius in house. The guy wrote and designed the document control software we use from scratch and its the best damn piece of software Ive used at any company Ive worked for. If this guy was smart he would take that software, leave this company and sell it.

When I worked for the KY state government and we used a program called TEMPO. It was so damn difficult to use there was almost and uprising to have to trashed. Of course the state spent millions on the system so they were determined to make it work even though 95% of employees hated it with a passion.

When I worked for the KY state government and we used a program called TEMPO. It was so damn difficult to use there was almost and uprising to have to trashed. Of course the state spent millions on the system so they were determined to make it work even though 95% of employees hated it with a passion.
Well, why would they bother making it easy? When you're the state responsible for KY Jelly, you can force anything on your employees.
