Those types of columns have zero authenticity to me. My MIL is crazy as a **** house rat and wrote a letter to some "advice" column about my wife (this happened about a year before we met). In the letter my MIL said that she loved her daughter and tried to connect with her and that my wife just ignored/hated her and blah blah blah. MIL completely left out the parts where she mentioned she was a drug addict, physically/emotionally/mentally abusive, liar, thief etc. etc.
Well of course the "advice" columnist said that my wife probably has deep seeded anger issues, stemming from an unhappy childhood and that she blames her for it. Of course none of that is true about my wife, yet this guy thinks he can make a diagnosis from a one sided letter from a f***ing nut job.
My MIL clipped the article out and mailed it to my wife. We still pull it out and laugh about it every now and again.