I am okay with people not being for the environment if they aren't of the "not in my backyard" attitude. If you are okay that we destroy the wetlands in order to put in walmart 20 miles away, you have to be just as okay with it next door to your house. If you don't care if the factory downstream is exceeding their TMDL of lets say mecury pollution, well then you have to be just okay with it if it were upstream.
I understand the exceedance of TMDL for hazardous materials as it may find it's way into drinking water, and I am all for trying to curb the environmental impacts of large site design projects, but when I have had projects get stopped because the wetland scientists and the Town Con-Com agent are in the bed together, I have an issue. The Wetland Scientist keeps blue spotted salamanders and will carry them to the site and drop in a standing pool of water - now we have a vernal pool with an endangered species. Raise the white flags and blow the budget folks, this project is now dead in the water!
When we develop sites for the betterment of the public (schools, hospitals, access roads for highways) and the project runs near a wetland, unless the client has a good amount of money reserved for these issues, they have the potential to go belly up fighting. Local and state NOI fees can easily exceed $5,000 (In fees alone!), lets not factor in our time at nightly meetings (we have been fighting a specific project for over a year now). Walmart may be an eye sore, but when you talk about how much everyone will benefit from the jobs and services, the local enviromentalist con-com agencies need to get off their high horses and listen. While I understand they are follow state codes, they all have the power to push for lieniency.
Hell, if a pilgrim pissed in the woods, it is considered a wetland. How many wetlands have been created due to highways and railroads being constructed? We have a site that was worked on in 1986, the detention pond for the parking lot and building has elevetated the existing wetlands table and they have crept to take more land. Now we are within 100' and cannot expand the parking lot without fighting for an NOI. Maybe we could be within 25' after flagging has been completed. Something does not add up and while I understand these rules and regs are in place to protect the environment, there comes a point when being ridiculous is the norm.