Death of the movie star

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Capt Worley PE

Run silent, run deep
May 4, 2007
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WE still envy their lifestyles, covet their Malibu mansions and marvel at their romances. But as Hollywood surveys the latest box office takings a new plot-line is emerging: the death of the movie star.

Last weekend two titans of Tinseltown, Tom Hanks and Julia Roberts, appeared in Larry Crowne, a tale of middle-aged romance set amid economic recession. What was meant to be an uplifting rom-com left studio bosses weeping into their Martinis.

The ingredients were in place for a hit: a release over the Fourth of July holiday weekend; two A-list actors, each with a back-catalogue of blockbusters. But the reviews were tepid; the public unenthused.

Having cost dollars $27 million to make, the movie is deep in the red.

One turkey may not make a trend, but Larry Crowne joins a lengthening list of failed star vehicles. Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz could not lure audiences to the spy romp Knight and Day. Johnny Depp, Hollywood's best-paid actor, and Angelina Jolie did not save The Tourist from commercial failure. Ryan Reynolds failed to set Green Lantern alight and How Do You Know?, which starred Reese Witherspoon, Owen Wilson and Jack Nicholson and cost dollars $75m to make, barely registered
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A bad movie is a bad movie. A while back, people were willing to take the hit at $7 a pop. Now when it costs $12-$15 on average to see the same crappy movie that they can get later from Redbox for under $2, they're a bit less apt to go to the movies just for shits and giggles.

Have you guys ever seen Mars Attacks. That has one of the most star-studded casts I have ever seen, but it was a complete commercial failure. Big names stars a good movie does not make.

but the good news is I read that George Lucas is redoing all 6 star wars movie's in 3D!!!!!

we have to remind ourselves that these same Movie Moguls mentioned in the OP are the same ones that told George Lucas that Star Wars would be a flop.....

I cant get excited about another Tom Hanks movie, in all reality he has made 2 good movies, Forrest Gump and Band of Brothers, and his character in Band of Brothers really didnt carry the movie, it was the story line..

same for Julia Roberts..

last good bit of screen time Tom Cruise had was in Tropic Thunder (his part is probably the only good parts)

I cant get excited about another Tom Hanks movie, in all reality he has made 2 good movies, Forrest Gump and Band of Brothers, and his character in Band of Brothers really didnt carry the movie, it was the story line..
I dont remember Hanks being involved with BoB. Perhaps you're thinking Saving Private Ryan?

I cant get excited about another Tom Hanks movie, in all reality he has made 2 good movies, Forrest Gump and Band of Brothers, and his character in Band of Brothers really didnt carry the movie, it was the story line..
I dont remember Hanks being involved with BoB. Perhaps you're thinking Saving Private Ryan?
He was probably thinking of Saving Private Ryan. Tom Hanks was involved with BoB only in the sense that he was the executive producer along with Spielberg.

I cant get excited about another Tom Hanks movie, in all reality he has made 2 good movies, Forrest Gump and Band of Brothers, and his character in Band of Brothers really didnt carry the movie, it was the story line..
I dont remember Hanks being involved with BoB. Perhaps you're thinking Saving Private Ryan?
he did some directing and made a cameo in one of the volumes

my bad yes, Saving Private Ryan,, which fails compared to band of brothers!

I do love the Burbs, but lets face it, it's a watch on VHS / DVD success movie and not the big screen..

So got someone tied up in the old cellar ehh Reuben?

oh man when that came out we had old neighbors that sort of looked like them...creeped me out big time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

we have a family that lives on a corner lot that never go outside, they always use the garage doors, and to this day i have never seen them outside!

we refer to them as the Klopeks......

How many times were people going to pay to see Julia Roberts play the same role?

Has she EVER played the villain?

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