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Is it Friday yet?
May 8, 2006
Reaction score
Columbia, MO
OK. I did something stupid.

I built a desk area upstairs and moved my computer from a computer desk downstairs and placed it inside a cabinet. The cabinet has a wire feed hole in the side that I cut (3" dia) to feed up to the monitors, but it doesn't have any more ventilation to aide computer cooling. I was concerned about this initially... but I did nothing, figured it'd be OK for a while.

Started having problems this weekend, the monitor would just go to "sleep" on it's own. I thought it was the wireless keyboard batteries going dead. Replaced them and it didn't help. Went and got the wired keyboard and mouse, monitor was still going to sleep on bootup and you couldn't see anything.

So, I powered it down one last time after messing attempting to get it to boot and me be able to see anything 2 nights ago.

Yesterday I was going to troubleshoot some more, attempting to get past booting up where I get to the login screen to select the user, and when you click on that and it begins to load, is when it craps out every time, previously. This time, push on the power button... nothing. No response, no lights, no whistles. Nothing.

I'm assuming it overheated and blew something. Any ideas on where to start?

I know it got warm in the cabinet, but not HOT, so I'm really surprised if it really overheated and burnt up something... but I guess it's possible.

Power supply is a good place to start. Start by checking the connections, something may have been jostled in the move.

Could be a handful of things...

Will the PC POST/boot if you remove it from the desk and leave it out in the open with airflow? case-side removed?

If it still won't start after that, I'd make sure all the fans are running when you boot... and that the hard drive is spinning...

Can you get into CMOS/BIOS? does the PC lock up/etc once it's in BIOS setup/etc for an extended period of time

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If you're lucky, you can run a few diagnostics on the BIOS. I'd actually start there. I do think that it is some sort of cooling problem.

^Really? I'd run tower computers and monitors in those Sauder enclosed computer desks for years and never had a problem.

^Really? I'd run tower computers and monitors in those Sauder enclosed computer desks for years and never had a problem.

Highly dependent on the quality of components and the heat output of the CPU/etc... Not to mention dust..... but cooling is usually the last thing on the minds of the folks at Dell/HP/etc/etc/etc when they pick components/etc...

Of course, depending on the age of the PC, you might be dealing with the dreaded capacitor issues that have been an issue for so many manufacturers and owners alike... Burst capacitors are a regular occurrence in a lot of electronics (not just PCs) that are a few years old... Are there any bulging and/or burst capacitors on the motherboard?

Thanks everyone for your input, I have some stuff to check on at least when I get back.

It just was odd that it would attempt to boot a few days ago, but "die" when I selected a user to logon.

now it won't power up at all. I'll have to get it out, remove the side of the case and see what I see.

It smelled "hot" when I was looking into it last. It's an HP. Not sure what model, but one of those "slim" desktop units.

I was surprised if it was really the heat as well, since it didn't seem overly HOT in the cabinet, but I have a feeling, something got hot simply due to the smell, and I had considered adding a vent fan to that cabinet when I moved the computer up to it in the first place.

Maybe something to do with the actual moving of the machine, cable getting loose, memory getting loose, usb internal connection getting loose. A good taking apart is in order!

Well... Disassembled after attempting to startup once the side was removed. It actually attempted to fire up a couple times, but wouldn't even get to the logon screen before it shot craps and the monitor would go to sleep.

I verified all cables were connected, and saw where there is a light on the backside of the PS where the power cord plugs in. It would light up every once in a while, but would flicker and go off when it crashed.

I'm leaning power supply. I have a friend who works on computers, gonna call him to see if he might be able to hook me up.

Motherboard looked clean.

And the "hot plastic" smell was still eminating from the PS once I removed it, opened up the case, couldn't find any fuses on it or at the motherboard that might have been going... It did look like one of the torroid's in the power supply looked especially discolored and I think it was what was smelling so bad - is that a transformer???

Anyway, thanks again for all the help. I'm kind of a gear head when it comes to a computer, so I can take it apart, turn a screwdriver, and plug in cords, but essentially, I'm useless beyond that.

Regarding power supply,

Usually that isn't difficult to replace, unless you have a non-standard supply, like, say Dell. Do you know the PS specification?


It's an HP power supply. Original Mfg = Delta Elecronics.

HP model 5188-2755

My computer is a HP s7220n

I've been searching everywhere to ID a trustworthy website that would have it at a reasonable price (<$50). I can find 2 different types of sites that carry it...

Too good to be true = $35-$40 and have lots of words on their site that tell me it's a risk proposition to order from them and expect to get anything, or not have my card charged multiple times (lots of shady places out there).

Or In the $100 range - I can't seem to find a replacement from HP on their website. Guess they really don't deal in parts, or mess with this PS.

Anyone have any recommendations on a site that I could trust that might have a good deal?

PCMall appears to have it for $37, I have never ordered from there but they call me at work every couple months, so I have heard of them and I think legit.

Sometimes you just have to go for it with these online purchases.

Good luck!

HP model 5188-2755My computer is a HP s7220n


Anyone have any recommendations on a site that I could trust that might have a good deal?
I've always had good luck with I've been buying from them for close to 10 years...

There's a few standards out there for form factors of the PSU... what's it look like?

Is it a slim line PSU like this one? (that google led me too.... not that I trust the website... at all)

or a regular form factor like this?

Thanks Paul, I'll have to look at them.

OSU - it's a slim PSU, but has either some custom connectors or custom outputs, it doesn't look quite like that (as far as Qty of connectors and style). I'll doublecheck Newegg, I think I looked there and couldn't find one...

Confirmed it was the power supply. Wife was sick this weekend, so I didn't get a chance to really "play" with it anymore. I need to order a replacement... at some point.

PCMall appears to have it for $37, I have never ordered from there but they call me at work every couple months, so I have heard of them and I think legit.
Sometimes you just have to go for it with these online purchases.

Good luck!
I kept looking at these guys but with their comments found on and bbb:

bbb linkey

These guys just don't sound like someone I want to give my credit card number to. Going to see if I can get a local computer repair shop order me one. I'd rather pay $20 more and make sure I get it than throwing money down the internets hole. I've had poor experiences when going to internet stores that are not "big box" stores or don't accept PayPal.

I kept looking at these guys but with their comments found on and bbb:
bbb linkey

These guys just don't sound like someone I want to give my credit card number to. Going to see if I can get a local computer repair shop order me one. I'd rather pay $20 more and make sure I get it than throwing money down the internets hole. I've had poor experiences when going to internet stores that are not "big box" stores or don't accept PayPal.
My wife and FIL do computer repair/software/virus work. Let me ask where they get parts from. I'll get back to you either tonight or tomorrow.
