Chile Miners

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Road Guy

Well-known member
Apr 24, 2006
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I am sure most of ya' have heard they started to rescue the trapped miners last night. at lunch today I heard they have 17 of the 33 men out already..

Cant imagine being down in there for 68 / 69 days.. but I am sure they owe their rescue to some engineers somewhere..

A pretty cool event (the rescue), even though it still took + 2 months...

I read that the capsule they used has to go down almost half a mile into the earth..

I was just reading a story about how one dude saw God and the Devil down there... I never pictured those two hanging out together...


and drilling through rock for that 2000+LF is why it took 2 months.

Thje shaft is 28 in. diameter and the capsule is 22 in. OD. I can't image standing in something like that for 20+ minutes looking a rock face 3 in. from your nose during the ride up, but I suppose it's better than staying down there.

a couple of American drillers helped create the shaft. Nice to see a story with a happy ending.


not a happy ending until all the miners and rescue folks make it out. They can truely be called a happy ending

so far they are leauges above the Russians in terms of Happy Endings, had this happened in Russia they would have denied any outside help and they would have all perished...

I liked that the second guy out had the sense of humor to bring souvenirs to the rescuers in the form of rocks from their underground palace.

so far they are leauges above the Russians in terms of Happy Endings, had this happened in Russia they would have denied any outside help and they would have all perished...
Mine collapse? What mine collapse? I think you are mistaken comrade.

so far they are leauges above the Russians in terms of Happy Endings, had this happened in Russia they would have denied any outside help and they would have all perished...
I thought Asian Massage Parlors specialized in those. :dunno:

Thread derailed in under 10 posts. What do I win?

so far they are leauges above the Russians in terms of Happy Endings, had this happened in Russia they would have denied any outside help and they would have all perished...
I thought Asian Massage Parlors specialized in those. :dunno:

Thread derailed in under 10 posts. What do I win?
DAMN YOU!!!!!! that was my response!

mine was going to take the form of:

"soooooo RG, you enjoied your trip to Chile much more than your trip to Russia eh?"

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Heard on the "news" yesterday afternoon that there was some family drama with the emergence of one of the workers. Apparently, the guy's mistress decided to show up to the rescue and was the first one to greet the guy upon coming to the surface, and did so right in front of the guy's wife.

He's my hero!

Apparently one of the other workers also said "Man, that was a loooong shift" after surfacing.

only if they were mining that whole time! geesh.

and drilling through rock for that 2000+LF is why it took 2 months.
Thje shaft is 28 in. diameter and the capsule is 22 in. OD. I can't image standing in something like that for 20+ minutes looking a rock face 3 in. from your nose during the ride up, but I suppose it's better than staying down there.

a couple of American drillers helped create the shaft. Nice to see a story with a happy ending.

If you ever make it to the Colorado Springs area, you can go down the Molly Kathleen mine 1000 feet in a little elevator that would give you a similar experience.

I am glad these guy got out. I couldn't imagine living down in a mine for a couple of months.
