Chemical PE - April 2011 Passing Percentage

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Passed! I'm so proud and relieved. I had tears in my eyes. My uncle that influenced my choice of engineering as a career passed away some years ago but he would have been proud.

To those that passed, congrats. And if you didn't, good luck and don't give up.

For the Kinetics I brought the 5th edition of the CheRM which was a LOT more thorough than the 7th edition. I used the 6th as my main reference manual. That being said I didnt think the kinetics questions were very hard this time around compared to others (though there was definitely a "this is probably a derivative, so screw doing this" problem.

If I was going back and helping out with the study course I took, I'd be a LOT more prescriptive about what to tab in Perrys so the plant design questions are easier. I had the time, but I felt I spent far too long looking up things in the back of Perrys. I had the CheRMs tabbed like a bawz, but really who the eff has time to go through Perrys when they have so much else to study for?

For Kinetics, Octave Levenspiel is a gem for Kenetics. Go through the first 5-6 chapters thoroughly.

I see some folks got a 48/80 and still failed. What is the highest that anyone know while still failing? Is 70 an absolute for passing?

The biggest thing I did for starters is I went through like the first 10 chapters of Felder & Roussou - Chemical Processes, 2005 edition.   As I read, I wrote down key concepts on a pad and made notes within the book.  I then attempted to the do every example problem without looking at the answer first.   Then I tried to to some problems in the back of the chapter (these problems are typically much harder are tune consuming but, at a minimum, I tried to look at the problem and see if I could find a path to solve it and not worry about the calculations).  The book goes over the fundamentals are will jump start you to success with other subjects.   I also did the same thing with Separation Principals and Chemical Eng Kinetics.

I also took School of PE online seminar, which helped fill in any gaps.
