The reasonable side of my brain wants to take all these 30 year old allegations with a grain of salt. I'm glad she is going through the police, maybe he pressured her, maybe she was a tease, maybe they were both young and dumb? Scott Baio pretty much dropped off the face of the earth in the mid 80's - why not bring this up sooner? Those are just the "reasonable" parts of my brain. But I tend to agree that most of Hollywood is scum and the men want to prey on the young women.
But there are women in Hollywood as well....
Remember the news article / book about Carrie Fischer's affair with Harrison Ford when she was pretty young and he was "a bit" older? She didn't claim any abuse, but its still creepy to me she was around 19, he in his 30's? He was also married at the time, with kids.. "legal" age but I think most of us wouldn't want our daughters dating a 30 year old when they are basically right out of HS.
So pretty much all of our Hollywood heros are pretty much scum, or worse, when you find out Mark Hammill is such a panty waste liberal
(pour out a 40)