Changing Jobs - Maybe?

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Well-known member
Jun 16, 2006
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Raleigh, NC
I thought you guys would be a perfect sounding board to ask opinions on my work related situation.

For the last 2 years I have been with the company I currently am working with, but I am a "temporary" employee. It's sort-of been a joke around the office how I could be temporary, but be here for 2 years. Well it's starting to become an issue, so we're trying to find ways around it.

as a temp, they have paid me quite a bit more than I can make as a Full-Time employee, which works out well, because the office I work in is 55 miles from my house. It's a VERY expensive drive to get back and forth to work, but so far, it's not been an issue.....I'm making enough to not worry about it. Well, now they want me to be a full-time employee, but they don't want to pay me more than what I could make in Raleigh (where I live) and I don't want to work in their Raleigh we're at a standstill......I have a job I like, but this year I have spent almost $10,000 on GAS ALONE, and feel like that additional expense would break me up. I get closer to becoming a PE (everyone say a quick prayer for me here!!!) I think this is the time to say....well, let's just see what my options are! So I sent my resume out, and this friday have a job interview, so that process is starting.

since I felt like the only way I can do this was to be honest, I told my boss here that that's where I will be Friday morning....He feels like he's in the middle, he's trying to find a way that I can stay, but the HR department, and his supervisors aren't all that willing to work with him or me.

One of the options that we are working on, and the one that we're probably going to do is for me to become a "Sole Proprieter" and become a "contract employee" the down side to that is even if I do pass the test, I can't seal plans for them......that's certainly going to lead to another issue down the road.

So, I guess I don't know what I want from you guys, other than some support, and maybe sharing ideas.....but it really feels odd to me that I actually like my job, but MIGHT not be able to afford it......and, no....moving is not an option. I have no intention to move from Raleigh, where my family and friends are, to Fayetteville....

Is it an option to work in the Raliegh office? You said you don't want to, but that would seem to solve the problem (unless I don't understand it right) - you'd save on gas and keep the job you like, right?

... but this year I have spent almost $10,000 on GAS ALONE

So that's approximately 3 miles/$ - I know you like cars with V8s :thumbs: , but maybe a little commuter or a motorcycle that gets more than 10 mile/gal is an option :2cents:

They're a couple of reasons I don't want to work in the Raleigh office. I like a smaller office atmosphere. I've done both over my career, but the older I get, the less I can deal with the big office drama that's ALWAYS present.'s a CUBE FARM. I don't really know who thought up that idea, but it stinks. I have a 15'x15' office here, and I like that privacy. In that office, I swear, even the president is in a 1/2 wall's not an atmosphere I desire.

I probably could drive a more efficient car, but my Mustang GT does get about 25mpg on the highway!!! Of course I bought it, because you're truck was getting about 10mpg!!! It sits in the driveway now!


You will get plenty of support from us even if it is a go get 'em !! :thumbs:

I have an interview tomorrow. :) Ssshhhh ...


My last job was in a cube farm. I wouldn't want to work in that environment either. Well good luck at the interview. The other option is to trade the Mustang in for a Prius!

Definitely nerve-wracking to be in the middle of uncertainty, but sometimes forcing a little change will open up doors you didn't know were there.

I was a frog in a pot in my last job, until it finally got so desperately uncomfortable I said, @^%, I'm leaving the company. Suddenly TWO new doors opened up and now I love my new job. Here's to hoping you get the same :beerchug:

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I have an interview tomorrow. Ssshhhh ...
Me too!!!! Doubtful I'd take the job. Probably a lot of international travel (Central America, Asia). Not too interested in that with my current family situation.

Either way, good luck and hope something works out NC

I'm in a bit of the same situation myself. I have a job that I like, but working for a boss I don't like, and my only options involve relocation, so it's a very tough decision to make.

I say string along your boss for a while, see what kind of a deal he can get you, and if it's not ideal, get a hybrid and keep up with the commuting.

I hope everything works out for you, NC.

This brings up a question I have: What do you think is the typical tenure in an engineering position? I know that there are a good deal of people here (myself included) that have taken new jobs in the past year. And several others that are currently looking.

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Thanks for the support guys/gals. It's really an odd situation, but I'm sure it will work out.

Frazil.....there's NO WAY I could drive a Prius! I have a reputation to uphold...You can't be a CAR a Prius. :D

Ktulu, That is an interesting question. My first job I was at for over 15 years! since then it's been about 3 years for each job, although this one has been 2 so far....maybe it will work out that we get to 3????

It's interesting in the fact that I think it's a trend that mimmicks other industries where there is less and less "Commitment" from employees. Years ago people were treated like crap, and put up with basically for the impending retirement, then companies started screwing people out of thier retirement, and the tables began to turn, I think we've reached a point that people just aren't willing to put up with crap, so they leave at the drop of a hat, and can probably get more money. That in turn causes the dynamic in all offices to change constantly. I for one would like to find a place I could stay at long term......maybe one day that place will exist.

Hi NCcarguy, sounds like they are trying to box you in with the salary. Good move on keeping your options open. Good luck on your interview. Have a question: Are they trying to reduce your salary now or did they tell you that there is a limit on your future salary when it comes to bonuses/promotions?

Seems several of us are considering the jump. I am getting worn thin with the workload I am handling (and no one up the chain of command here is willing to try to reduce it). My options are limited since I don't want to go to a smaller company... but the money is out there and I am wiating to see my year end increase before making any decisions (plus I want the profit sharing contribution into my 401k).

what kind of work is it that you do?
I spent most of my career doing highway design for SCDOT, and NCDOT. Mainly NCDOT over the last 8-10 years, until my recent employment. I now am working with a group doing Site/Civil development work. It's WAY different than highway design, but certainly helps prepare for taking the PE exam better. In doing highway design, you basically only work on horizontal, and vertical alignments. I have spent MONTH's working in the SAME cross-section file in the past, now I might be sizing a stormwater management system, a sanitary sewer line, laying out a grading plan....who knows!! It's definately a faster pace (which I like) but it's not what I'm really an expert at. It also is a field that's dominated by Autocad/LDD, and I'm basically a Microstation/Geopak I have to find ways to work around what most people are using. Thankfully though Microstation came out with V8, and it allows me to do what I do, in an Autocad environment!!!

Hi NCcarguy, sounds like they are trying to box you in with the salary. Good move on keeping your options open. Good luck on your interview. Have a question: Are they trying to reduce your salary now or did they tell you that there is a limit on your future salary when it comes to bonuses/promotions?
They are OK with paying me what I should be making.....BUT, I live in Raleigh, and work in Fayetteville. I've told them that it's a $10,000 expense for me to drive it, THAT's where we're having issues. I really CAN'T afford to drive down here for what I would make in Raleigh, and they don't think they should have to pay me extra, since they have an office in Raleigh.....It's complicated.....the thing that makes it worse is if they DID decide to pay me the difference, then I would be making more than people with a higher responsibility, so they are concerned that would piss people in other offices off......


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